Individuals need to be fully aware of some of the job interview techniques, so that they could do well in the interview rounds and land the job. Job interview techniques are developing over the years because employers and managers are looking for qualified and skilled candidates who could work ... Views: 918
Is there someone who inspires you—or do you think you could be an inspiration for some? Allowing yourself to be a role model or for others to follow you can be a noble calling. Being great and successful at what you do feel good; but it is even more thrilling if you inspire others to achieve ... Views: 812
The key in finding inspiration is to apply all your five sense and be present in all that you do. The American Heritage Dictionary defines inspiration as, “the stimulation of the mind or emotion to a high level of activity or feeling.” It is something or anything that moves your soul and touches ... Views: 844
Literally, the definition of encourage is to put heart into. All of us need encouragement. Encouragement could have a great effect and powerful impact on co-workers and bosses. When this definition is applied to our situations in work, it may suggest:1.) Increasing morale by offering support to ... Views: 1001
Usually, we call an event a miracle when we think it is impossible for something to happen, right here and now. Miracles start to happen when we stop being apathetic or indifferent. Like anything or everything else, miracles also come in different and various sizes, some large and some small, ... Views: 834
Patience is a virtue, as they say, but many of us (myself included--sometimes) struggle with being patient--or should I say, the lack of it. And some negative things follow when you lack patience. Like say, when a certain person really pisses you off (or you let them), or even the thought of a ... Views: 989
How's your life? The common answer to this question is “It's fine” Are you really sure you're fine? Is it how you feel? Or are you just pretending? Nobody wants to show what is really inside them. Anyway, what is success without balance? It's nonsense. To attain the greatest gift in life, you ... Views: 784
Sometimes, I used to think what exactly is inspiration? I looked in the dictionary and thesaurus and found out that inspiration is similar with vision (which most people have), genius (hmm…maybe only a chosen few of us are), and also it’s synonymous to influence (now, this really depends on the ... Views: 798
That voice within—do you really listen to it, or do you disregard the idea or notion that you pay attention to that inner voice? That inner voice is your intuition. The voice that says, “No, let us just forget about this for now”, “Yes, it is the right thing”, or even “Wait, let us think about ... Views: 948
Numerous leaders and managers know that there are great beenfits and advantages to be gained from empowering other people. As a manager or leader, you could choose to either utilize your power and authority to empower others or disempower other individuals. Now, which would you think will bring ... Views: 5563
Inspirational stories have always been one way of spreading values around since it allows us to learn and be aware of various values while at the same time having fun and enjoying listening and reading. Stories had played a great part in our lives because we learn from them especially if they ... Views: 852
Do you ever experience or go through life finding for a source of inspiration sometimes even just to help you get through the hour or help you get through the day? All of us have certain days or even times like these, yet the problem is that too many of us are searching for something inspiring ... Views: 871
Forgiveness defined: several sources provide quotes on forgiveness, and most of them with unknown origins, and here are some of them: 1. “Forgiveness is letting go of the emotions related or connected to an event.” 2. “Forgiveness is to surrender the right to hurt you for hurting other people.” ... Views: 967
First, let us take a closer and deeper look at some of the various definitions given to the word “Determination” or another term for this is “Drive”. Determination or drive is the skill or capability of the mind to accomplish whatever it desires to accomplish; It’s that internal strength drawn ... Views: 771
What everyone must know regarding Inspirational Poems. Inspirational poems are simply everywhere. They appear in some inside covers of numerous non fiction bestsellers and magazines. These inspirational poems are simply the ideal tools to convey a message, to share the proper balance of ... Views: 1035
As it is not a perfect world we live in, that's why it's only common if we are faced with many negative and unpleasant surroundings that we tend to have bad thoughts. We are only humans and oftentimes, we may not even be aware that we're already forming bad thoughts in our minds; here are some ... Views: 1260
We just have to admit it---life can sometimes get tough! You know, things happen. Our health may sometimes suffer, work pressures accelerate, daily stresses build up, and family demands become too daunting. We all need a dose of some inspiration because it looks good (a lovely and picturesque ... Views: 812
How long have you gone out of your working environment? And when was your last vacation? Aside from the money you earned from your hard work and efforts, what did you get out of it? Well, I am afraid that you would be alarmed after reading through the succeeding paragraphs and suddenly take some ... Views: 1847
Do not just wait for inspiration to simply fall into your lap or come simply knocking on your door! Well, the truth is, you merely cannot wait for things to happen to you. You’ve got to make a great effort to inspire yourself in order to live a vibrant and fulfilling life.
And even the most ... Views: 887
The logic of peace of mind, which is every human being’s right or privilege, appears obscure and hard to pin down within this universe of ours—what with the political insurgencies, work stress, family responsibilities, inflation, and global recession plaguing us—most people are on a precarious ... Views: 969
The mid life crisis—are you undergoing or experiencing it right now? Although this term is already commonly used here and everywhere, one way or another not all experience this and it’s dissimilar for males and females. There will most probably come a time when several adults mull over some of ... Views: 1140
Great inspirational quotes are sure some of the good ways in helping people in motivating them in their professional life, thereby attaining success. There are in fact countless of helpful and motivating inspirational quotes to choose from—ranging from the humorous to the practical. These kinds ... Views: 1297
Affirmations can be really helpful to break bad habits if you are persistent about it.
In order for you to really break bad habits you must: a) be aware that the unconscious mind exists and b) learn how to manipulate its existence.
And affirmations are great and powerful techniques in which, ... Views: 928
There are actually tons and tons of great inspirational movies here and there, ranging from your typical Hollywood mainstream movies to avant-garde indie films and foreign films--inspirational movies are everywhere. Although I have yet to see this year’s Oscar Best Picture Slumdog Millionaire ... Views: 1633
By the time you read this, you probably heard of the inspiring life story of Susan Boyle. A 47-year old, unemployed, never been married (and never been kissed) woman from Scotland who elicited lots of praises and compliments not just from the three judges, but also from millions of people across ... Views: 874
A certain black American woman that has made a big influence in the United States was raised by her grandmother on a farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi had suffered molestation and abuse in her younger years. Beyond the circumstances in her life, she has survived. Her life started to evolve when she ... Views: 770
In your life, you will get to know others. You will meet some interesting persons. Others will make you feel miserable while others make you happy and feel good about yourself. Both are unforgettable for they leave a certain memory that influenced on you but the most beautiful experiences we ... Views: 1286
Do you think you’re one of the most inspiring people around? Do you think you deserve to be on that list? Well then, here’s my own checklist of the usual characteristics of inspiring people. Check it out and see if you belong—and if you do, then good for you. It’s always nice to feel recognized, ... Views: 780
Growing up, we all have our own inspirational short stories to tell. Well, I have this inspirational story to share with you and this is just a simple tale (not about love, or relationship or seeking your therapist blah-blah). Today’s blog is all about simplicity in happiness—a simple yet ... Views: 819
So, just because you grew up to be an adult, you thought you know everything you got to know? Well, think again—that’s why we always have to relive the child in us every now and then. Research has found out that 42% of the college graduates never bothered to read another book anymore right after ... Views: 837
You never really openly declared your hatred against each other. Actually, there's no yelling and screaming matches, no swear words or hair-pulling going on. Nope, in fact, it's the opposite--it's just quiet. You just feel that gradually, you tend to grow apart, no more intimacy or bonding ... Views: 1245
How do we appreciate and enjoy the beauty of life despite the pressures and hassles of our everyday living? Have you forgotten to take time to breathe and smell the flowers? Well, as they say, always live your day as if it's your last, so you might as well be happy and make the most of it each ... Views: 837
When was the last time you cried?
Is it because of frustration, getting the occasional blues, being mistreated, betrayed? Is it a heartbreak, a painful ordeal, physical sickness, problems--big or small, regrets, hurt or someone offended you, whatever it is, you may have your reasons. But one ... Views: 1077
Got a severe headache? Then you suspect it's something serious like brain tumors, or've heard recently in the news that it's one of the symptoms of dengue. And then you try researching the Internet or browse medical related books for some information. Come on now, you know that for ... Views: 911
So you think that when it comes to finding your passion, it has to be unplanned and automatic? That you either love it or leave it? That either you like your work or hate it? That it can't be forced or generated--especially for the stuff you don't presently enjoy? Well, think again--do you know ... Views: 913
We are all too familiar with many rags to riches stories here and there. But what do all these stories have in common? The story of despair, poverty, hope, survival and surmounting the odds. Bottom line? These rags to riches stories all inspire us. If they can do it, so can we--for these tales ... Views: 2816
Life is complicated, so as they say. But let me tell you something; it only becomes so when you got some great expectations. It's just a tiny thing to change: stop expecting. I know it takes practice to do so. If you can see things as they are without having great expectations, then life will be ... Views: 1419
They say that strangers are friends we never met---yet.
Some sociologists say that that's why we never get to build and nurture solid friendships and relationships is that we're satisfied and get comfortable to stay within our casual ties with co workers and social networks like Facebook, ... Views: 904
If you are trying to set up a computer in the office or at home and think you need some assistance in internet, network set up, personal computer trouble shooting and more, you could use Internet Service Providers (ISP) and some similar retailers, or you could use some companies committed to ... Views: 999
The universe is vastly teeming with abundance, and those who are in touch with this belief seem to be so successful with Cosmic Ordering and are easily able to manifest those things which they desire or aspire. But even for those people who are not really into all those manifestation and ... Views: 1072
When we talk about innovation, you may reply—who needs people? Chances are that you, me and all of us do! Innovation can be viewed as a “soft” science difficult to define and hard to measure. While other business functions like manufacturing, finance and purchasing are seem more established and ... Views: 809
At times while it is quite difficult to understand, we call or refer to the best feng shui position in the bedroom as the command position. This command position imposes the best feng shui position and it just doesn’t involve the bedroom, but it also comprises or includes business like your ... Views: 1160
Most of the time, many managers and business owners are too absorbed in running their day to day work dealing with managing the business, supervising the staff, dealing with clients and customers and creating and developing new products or services. Usually, at the end of the day, after a hard ... Views: 897
Another year has come by, and with this, you cannot help but to assess certain things, like how you’ve done the previous year, in your career, your relationship with your friends, your growth as a person. You try to see if you have really grown, financially, mentally, spiritually, and ... Views: 955
The expression “Open Innovation” could sometimes be utilized in a very subjective manner, therefore, measuring its extent of enforcement in one organization compared to another is quite tough. Nevertheless, Open Innovation does have a less subjective approach in definition by Henry Chesbrough. ... Views: 812
Stop plucking the petals off the daisy; it will never give you the real answers. Looking for Mr. Right is never easy, but one doesn’t really need special powers to know if your man is in love with you or not. And plucking petals won’t tell you if he is in love with you or not either, but paying ... Views: 1510
Are you one of those men and women who have been single forever, or have been in an in- and- out of relationship since 1990? Well, this year is your year to stop all the tears and find the right love that suits you like a customized gloves. This is the year is your year of love and passion. ... Views: 898
Some couples wonder why after giving all their time, effort, and energy into their marriage, it’s still doesn’t end well. Just like Sandra, my dorm buddy during college days. A couple of months ago, she called me up to have lunch with her and that she needed someone to talk to. Sandra has this ... Views: 912
New ideas and invention are the life blood and the heart and soul of our innovation, technology, business and economy. Inventions may come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Okay, so you have a fantastic idea great enough to become an invention. Now this invention of yours can be big or ... Views: 1162
Paternity tests can be done in much simpler procedures if only DNA samples were secretly acquired from other individuals’ personal stuff and belongings like combs, bandages and toothbrush. Hmmm...sounds quite sneaky, isn’t it? To get other people’s DNA samples by this means and tactics-- but ... Views: 1011