There are so many reasons why people lose hairs, some hair loss sufferers blame their loss of hairs on genes, stress, hormones and many others without even recognizing that there are some bad hair habits that they usually engage in, which brought about their loss of hair, or better still, set off their loss of hair.

If you must fight hair loss or must keep your hairs on your head, then you must refrain from bad hair habits and imbibe good ones.

Number One Habit – Use the Right Hair Accessory
Just as you can not apply what is meant for the ear in the eye, in the same way, you must use the right hair tools for your hair. Avoid accessories with rough edges and others that will come off with you hairs as you try to remove them. This will go a long way to keep your hairs and prevent undue stress from getting to the scalp.

Number Two Habits – Proper Brushing Of the Hairs
Make sure you brush your hairs from roots to tips at least once in two days. Brushing should last for nothing less than 5 minutes. This might look silly, but it will help straighten your hairs and keep them tangle free all the time. In addition to that, you will have a dirt free hair, since debris and build up at the roots of the hairs will be removed. There are brushes that have the unique ability of cleaning out dirt and evenly distributing sebum to the scalp and hairs. Still on this, if you have been using your brush without washing it, then bear in mind that you have only been redistributing dirt instead of brushing. Once this dirt gets mixed up in sebum, they will end up clogging the hair’s pores – making it difficult for new hairs to emerge. Dead hair and dead skin cells will hang on your brush and other hair accessories so, make sure you wash your brush and any other tool that you use to style your hair. You can be sure that your scalp and your hairs will thank you later.

Habit Number Three – Proper Styling
No matter how beautiful a hair style is, resist the temptation of doing it, if it is a style that puts undue stress on the scalp. Stress on the scalp will ultimately lead to premature hair fall, i.e. falling of hairs in their growth phase or just before they reach their resting phase.

Habit Number Four – Stay Away From Chemicals
Try your best to stay away from chemicals; if you have to apply any chemical on your hairs, make sure you allow maximum time to elapse before the next application. This will go a long way to help your hairs come back to their natural state. If you continuously apply chemicals on your hairs, you may end up taking the natural balance of the hair’s components out.

Habit Number Five – Give Your Hair a Good Massage
You know how you feel when you get a good back massage, that’s the same way your hairs will feel when you massage them with any nutritious hair oil. Massaging will help hard debris break away; it will also unclog the follicles and moisturize the hairs. There are various hair oils, so just search for good ones and use them on your hair. If you massage your hairs with oils, leave it on over the night and wash off in the morning.

Author's Bio: 

If you want to learn about hair loss remedies and herbs for hair loss, Abigail M. Moore is the person you should listen to; owner of, which is one of the fastest growing website that talks about incredible, yet simple ways to grow your fast.