“Low Glycemic Index, Great for Colon Health, Vitamins and Minerals”

Here is a Caribbean favorite of mine that’s super tasty and filling. And for sure you won’t walk away feeling hungry with this recipe. And this dish is very easy to make and it’s full of the great healing power of plantains and garbanzo beans. And this recipe is spicy… but not too spicy. Plus along with a green salad, this is a full spectrum meal, another Whole-Foods Plant-Based Recipe.


6 - Large Organic Ripe Plantains - Split Lengthwise

32 - Oz of Organic Garbanzo Beans

4 - Cups of Organic Carrots - Sliced and Cooked

1 1/2 - Cups of Organic Oatmeal Flour

16 - Oz of Organic Mexican Salsa - Either Mild, Medium, or Hot — pick how spicy you want your pie.

2 - Cups of Filtered Water - or a little more depending upon your bowl

Building the Pie

Take 9 inch round pyrex bowl that is 4 inches deep and add a layer of plantains at the bottom of the bowl. Then add the garbanzo beans, then a layer of carrots, then add another layer of plantains on top.

To Make the Sauce

Take the oatmeal flour and add the salsa and water and blend in a blender… and pour over the pie. Let the sauce sink in all over… and give it a helping hand with a knife letting it sink down into all areas of the pie.

Next, place in a 350-degree oven for 60 minutes or until the top starts to really get nice and brown. And all the extra liquid in the bowl has pretty much evaporated and you have a nice consistency to the pie.

Remove from the oven and let cool, this takes a few minutes.

Slice and serve with a green salad.

Serves 12 people or 6 big hungry guys

Health Benefits of Organic Plantains - Food of the Future

With global warming, more tropical foods are going to be important as staple foods for the world… and Plantains are one of them. On the BBC a while back plantains were said to be a very important food for the world in the near future.

Plantains are amazingly healthy, full of lots of vitamins, minerals, energy, fiber and more. One Plantain plant can produce as much 100 pounds of wonderful fruit that can be used like potatoes.

Grow All Over – Plantains grow in Asia, Africa, Caribbean, Central America, South America, parts of Australia, and in the US in Florida, or anywhere in a green house. Once the tree bears fruit it must be cut down allowing one of the little plantains that grow around the trunk to grow tall and take its place.

Potassium – Plantains have more potassium than bananas and thus help with cardiovascular function and water regulation. And potassium can help offset the negative qualities of salt in your diet by lowering blood pressure.

Gastric Ulcers – A study by the prestigious Mayo Clinic found that Plantains contain “leucocyanidin” which prevents gastric ulcers… and they also help with gastritis.

Vitamins – Plantains contain Vitamins A, C, and B – all important antioxidants that help to slow the aging process, prevent DNA damage, and provide a boost for your metabolism and give you energy. Also Vitamin K for clotting and E for cardiovascular health.

Minerals – Plantains are a good source of magnesium for cardiovascular health and strong bones, phosphorus for strong bones, and iron for anemia, zinc for immunity, and calcium for enzyme activity and osteoporosis.

Weight Loss – Boiled Plantains also work well for weight loss because they are full of “Resistant Starch” that does not break down in your GI tract and helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar too. And cooked Plantains are low in carbs and calories, high in water, and also help your body absorb more calcium.

Low Glycemic Index – Boiled Plantains have a low glycemic index (Glycemic index of 38) making them great for diabetics.

Athletes and Children – Some experts highly recommend Plantains as a nutritious food with lots of energy for children and athletes… and people on the go that need lots of sustained energy.

Colon Health – Short chain fatty acids (Resistant Starch) important for colon health and helps in the treatment of colitis, IBS, and other colon diseases. Also cooked Plantains slow down your digestive tract, add fiber to your diet, and contain fiber that’s beneficial to the probiotic bacteria in your colon. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health short chain, fatty acids are well known for preventing colon cancer.

Beta Carotene – Plantains contain a large amount of beta carotene and thus help to boost your immune system and prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.

Cholesterol Free Food – Plantains have no cholesterol and thus help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level… and they are almost fat-free.

Fiber – Plantains are full of wonderful fiber that help to provide a good environment for probiotic bacteria… and thus boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

Calories – One average Plantain contains around 200 calories depending on the size, so they are good for keeping your weigh down… and they are very filling. Plantains are low in sugars, fats, and sodium so they are a good diet food… as long as you don’t fry them.

Omega 3 and 6 Fats – Plantains also contain good fats in the way of Omega 3 and 6 Oils that are important for cardiovascular health and cancer.

Only Eat Organic Plantains - Regular fruits and veggies contain up to 6 cancer causing chemicals, 12 hormone-disrupting chemicals, and 10 other disease causing chemicals - Not Good - Eat Organic and Stay Healthy.

Enjoy this Wonderful Recipe!

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form. 
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at www.paulhaider.com – feel free to connect with him anytime.
Here is a short video bio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U
Check out my website at www.paulhaider.com