It is very important to apply for your credit score and credit report offline in order to make sure that you track your credit profile. When applying for any type of loan, your credit score and credit report is crucial. Financial institutions decide whether to approve or reject loan applications on the basis of credit scores. If you want to apply for any kind of loan, you can always check your credit score and report in order to keep yourself informed. This way, you are able to get an affordable loan and instant approval without any possibility of rejection.
How to Check Your Online Credit Score Step by Step
Clix Capital is one of the best non-banking financial institutions to offer you free credit score check options. It is free and offers an instant check. If you need to get your credit score checked, here are all the steps:
● Visit the official website of Clix Capital. When you visit the website, you will find the section for the credit score check option. On the official website, you will find the "check your credit score" option. You will find the option right on the homepage.
● For an instant and online check option, fill up the online form present on the Clix Capital website. When you fill-up the online form, you need to input all the details and information. These details are used by the credit bureaus to fetch your credit score.
● You will need to submit the following details:
Full Name
Date of Birth
PAN Number
Pin Code
Email Address
Mobile Number
● Check the box that indicates your agreement to Clix Capital’s Credit Score Terms of Use.
● Once you click on the "Get Your Credit Score" button, you will need to verify yourself. Without verification through mobile and email ID, you will not get your credit score. A credit score is a secret financial detail that is available only after authentication. Apply for a small business loan .
● Verify yourself with an OTP that will be sent to your mobile number and registered email address.
● Enter the OTP number and click on verify.
● While your score is being fetched, you will be asked to state your occupation type, employer name, and a monthly < a href=""> income as well. This is additional information, but you need to offer all this information to get your score.
● Within 2-3 seconds after completing these steps, you will get your credit score. It is really easy, instant and completely free of charge. Why check your credit score online?
● Detect errors: It is very important to check your online credit score. When you check your credit score, it is easy to detect various errors and mistakes.
● Improve your credit score: It is critical to monitor your credit score in order to improve it. To monitor your score from time to time, you need to check your credit score using free digital platforms. Read More: 7 Ways MSMEs Can Apply for A Business Loan
● Apply for a loan without rejection: When you check your credit score, you can apply for a loan without any difficulty. It helps you avoid any kind of rejection.
Finishing up
Start your free credit score check today in order to make sure you’re informed about your credit health. Your credit report speaks about your financial and credit health, making you eligible for borrowing.
I am Ajay Singh, former Finance Advisor with more than 8 years of experience. I am a passionate trader, investment advisor and would love to help people in thier financial decision making.
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