This past year I have done quite a bit of traveling. Every time I travel, I can’t help but notice that the size of the American traveler has increased over the past few years. But this really isn’t a surprise! Have you taken a moment to look at the food options busy travelers have at most airports? Most fall into the following categories: fried, whipped, creamed, sugary and lardy! With all of our schedules getting busier and busier, it’s no wonder the obesity epidemic in America is getting worse!

I got to thinking... I’ve traveled through more airports this year than any other time in my life, yet I am in the best shape of my life. So even with all these food option pitfalls surrounding me as I travel, I have a secret for not letting travel become an excuse to let my health and nutrition suffer.

So I will let you in on a little secret of what I do when I know I have a trip coming up. I plan ahead.

Not really the sexy, profound answer you were expecting, right? It takes a little extra time but not only do I maintain a healthy diet, but I also save a ton of money!

So here is a simple plan to eat healthy while traveling:

1. Buy food in bulk for your trip. For me it's usually chicken breasts, green beans, sweet potatoes and avocados.

2. Cook the food before your trip. Bake the chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes in large glass baking dishes. (Usually all can go into oven together and be ready in under an hour)

3. With the help of a food scale, portion out everything by serving size into individual zip lock bags. For me: 8oz chicken, 4.5oz green beans, 6oz sliced sweet potatoes, 2oz of avocado.

4. Put it all into the fridge for the night. Then the next morning put everything into a collapsible travel cooler.

I have found many airlines will let you bring the cooler on as an extra carry on, if you tell them you are on a special nutrition plan and need access to your cooler!

And that is it. Is it a little different? Yes.

Will you get odd looks eating food out of a zip-lock bag? Probably.

But will you be able to stay on your nutrition plan, keep seeing results, and quit using traveling as an excuse to fall off the wagon? Absolutely.

Remember, the only way to see something different is to do something different.

Author's Bio: 

Take the guess work out of eating healthy with my Free No-Brainer Food Guide. Get instant access when you visit Nelsongy Fitness

Jimmy Hays Nelson Beachbody Coach is a self-proclaimed 'former fat guy'.Through his transformation journey he lost 100 pounds, started his own business, was featured in the Shaun T workout series INSANITY, and has been seen multiple times on QVC with his buddy Tony Horton promoting P90X.

He founded NELSONGY FITNESS with his wife Kelly to reach out to give hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally we are here to help you see REAL RESULTS!