Do you know what your life's calling is? Don't worry if you feel you've yet to find it. Sooner or later, you will discover the one thing you're meant to do. Are you feeling satisfied and professionally challenged at your current occupation? A "No" means you could still be on a journey to find out what you're really meant to do.

I was one of those people that experienced lack of fulfilment. My full-time employment did very little to push me forward, motivate me and help me continue perfecting myself as a professional. I decided to start my own business at that precise moment.

Making that decision requires time, careful consideration and preliminary planning. Starting a business is a really huge step that deserves proper consideration. Once I made the transition however, I had no regrets.

Are you interested in starting your own business? Follow these steps to get on the road to achieving it.

1. Go through Employment Documentation

Your current employment contract has to be examined carefully before attempting to do anything. There could be a clause preventing you from starting or running your own business. Even if your contract contains such a clause, you can still do a bit of planning about how to setup your own business.

Knowing what you are going to do in the future and how you are going to get there will speed up the transition and make it a lot smoother.

2. Come Up with a Detailed Checklist

A checklist is a wonderful tool you can use to get organised and complete the preliminary planning. A list can be created about nearly aspect of launching and operating your own company.

Give yourself some time to brainstorm about the business idea and to create 3 lists:

a) What things do you enjoy doing? Do you see any of these activities potentially evolving into a business? Take a note of any idea that comes to mind, even if it seems ridiculous at first!

b) You can also focus on the things you can't live without

c) and the ones you'd love to do full time, even if you weren't paid.

When you're done, take all of the lists and compare the information they contain. Do you see any patterns or similarities? Such patterns could be quite indicative of your life's true calling.

3. Defining Your Life's Calling

Sometimes, defining your life's calling may be a challenging task. For some people, it will be clearly outlined and easy to conceptualise. In other situations, the purpose of your existence may prove to be a little bit more abstract.

Even if your life's calling consists of numerous activities, it's important to make sure that these give you satisfaction, professional freedom and growth opportunities (whether this growth is personal or career-oriented).

Use the information you put together through your brainstorming session. Refrain from trying to over-analyse it. Give yourself a little bit of time. As the days go by, the idea/s will become a lot clearer.

Coming up with this kind of concept is one of the most important preliminary steps you need to complete while learning how to setup your own business. Once you have the blueprint, you will find everything else a lot simpler.

Bringing this idea to life is the next part of the process. This next phase is equally important and knowing how to translate your newborn concept into actual steps will be determining for the outcome.

Watch out for part II of this article!

Author's Bio: 

Mark Villarosa is a Digital Marketing Entrepreneur with over 10 years' experience in Sales & Marketing and a member of the Six Figure Mentors, a community of like-minded digital marketing entrepreneurs carving out a lifestyle on the internet of earning more by working less and enjoying life.

How do you start an online business you can run from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and internet access? Let me tell you more, click HERE.