If you are motivated to get in great shape and start living a healthier, more fit lifestyle, then you may have fallen victim to this common problem. Over-training is one of easiest pitfalls that can grab you and keep your goals just out of your reach. This article will teach you how to avoid overtraining your muscles and how to get better results by working out less.

Are you working out more than 4 times per week? Do you hit the gym every day to lift weights or exercise intensely for an hour or more? If so, then there is a good chance you are overtraining your muscles.

When you go to the gym and lift weights or do other intense exercises, it breaks down the muscles in your body. Then, it's up to your body to repair those muscles and make them stronger so you can perform the same activity next time without as much trouble. This is where the problem comes in.

If you go to the gym too much and work your body too hard, your body will never have the chance to fully repair your muscles. This means that every time you work out, you don't have full strength, and your muscles are already damaged (from the last workout). If you find yourself plateauing and not gaining much strength in your workouts, then you may be working out too much.

To fix this, all you need to do is rest more! By constructing your workouts so you workout harder (more intense pace) for less time each day, and only working out 3-4 times per week, you'll actually get more results from less time in the gym! If you've been on a plateau for a long time, taking a week off will help your body fully repair and rebuild itself. This will put you back at full strength next time you workout, which means you can workout harder and reap more results.

To get more information on training techniques and what to do and what not to do, check out my 7-day Six Pack Abs crash course. This mini-course will teach you one strategy each day and by this time next week, you'll be fully equipped to achieve your goals and be on the fast track to a stronger body with less fat on it.

Author's Bio: 

Tyson Faulkner runs the Great-Abs.net blog that updates periodically with new articles that will teach you have to burn belly fat and get great abs. He is ready to help you with any training or nutrition questions, just leave a comment on one of the blog posts or send an email to get some answers.