Human Resource service-Foundation of a better organizational structure

The human resource department is essentially one of the strongest pillars of an organization. A human resource department can never be segmented as a separate aspect altogether, rather is it the threads that weaves the objectives and functionality of every department of an enterprise and gets them contribute together as a team. Peoplepowerindia is one such force that helps organizations achieve their goals by actually reaching out to its employees.

A number of times people understand Human Resource services with recruitment and training, payroll, increment. However, they are only certain steps in the process of fulfilling a bigger objective. The objective of Human Resource is to foresee the ideas of the organization and its employees and correlate them so that they become a cohesive force and contribute to organizational success.

There are certain divisions in which the Human Resource services can be classified

Organizational Audit:

An organization audit does give key insights to the HR deliverables as it helps them recognize the loopholes in an organization. It is a systematic review of HR function, its direction, structure and resources and also identifying the areas of loopholes and potential. At the same time it is necessary to accumulate enough feedback upon the implementation of personnel policies already implemented. In a nutshell, an organizational audit helps to identify the HR policies and their strategic relevance to that of the firm and also the highlights of human behavior.

Performance Management:

Performance management includes defining the roles and responsibilities of the employees, and measuring their productivity. The output of an employee needs to be appraised in form of increments, performance bonus and incentives. Not only that an employee should be appreciated and endowed with additional responsibility and authority as identification for his efforts.


An organization is a hub of ideas, values, dreams and competition. It is important that your ideals, values, and vision should be articulated amongst every employee of the enterprise so that they can equally contribute and be a part of your success.
Just as it is important to identify the areas of capability and loopholes of an enterprise, it is essential to spell out the main identity of the organization, tell it to every employee and stakeholders so that the same reflects in their behavior and approach to work.

Just like any other stream, Human Resource management too has undergone transformation over time. This is especially due to the fact that Human Resource Management is directly related to studying, analyzing human behavior which in itself is of changing nature. Human mindset, behavior and culture evolve over time and bring about a change in human thought process. However, the same does not apply to every single people. It is possible that over time some people grow a little more insecured in the competitive world whereas a group of others may become more flexible and receptive to changes. The task of human resource service provider is to study and analyze the dynamic forms of human behavior and ensure that every single human being evolves in a better way and also propels the organization towards the path of a better future and destiny.

Author's Bio: 

Peoplepower is a full-service HR consulting firm dedicated exclusively to meeting the human resources needs of Peoplepower organizations. Peoplepower provides HR outsourcing, HR audit, Human Resource services, HR culture, OD consulting services and HR solutions