You don’t get it yet and so you sit on the fence…

Liking, commenting, mostly lurking and sometimes sharing what I do…

And you try to ignore that little voice in your chest that is telling you to reach out and work with me…

You tell yourself that you don’t need it…

You tell yourself that you cannot afford it…

You tell yourself all kinds of nonsense to avoid having to do what you know you need to do…

And so, guess what?! You put your life on hold… AGAIN!

Because the next step is LITERALLY to work with me but you are too scared/proud/silly to take it…

Which one is it for you?

I change lives, honey!

I get into the recesses of your mind and pull out the best in you …

And I help you map out plans and strategies that work to get the results you want…

And guess what?!

You are one of the best at changing lives too!

You have always known that you are born to impact people for good…

You have longed for it!

You have this big dream, this big vision to speak to many…

To help many…

You want to be able to end poverty…

Or to help people feel beautiful inside and out…

Or maybe you want to be in government, creating and implementing policies that help people…

Or to impact communities – speaking life and choice and freedom into the hearts of our young people, into families, into those who feel abandoned by the system…

Or maybe you want to change the education system in your nation…

Or to provide alternative healthcare to those let down by the normal pathway – You know you can HEAL rather than just manage symptoms and you want to help MANY people…

Or maybe you have music that heals hearts, entertains and lightens the mood…

Or Art that draws out the pain in another so that they too can expand their view of the world…

And yet, you sit on the fence…

So uncertain about your ability to make it work that you look opportunity in the eye and turn away from it!

And yes, you should be scared if you are too attached to this ‘less-than’ version of your life!

You should be scared if you are unwilling to break past your internal blocks and do what it takes…

You should run and hide if you are just a talker and you want to stay in your comfort zone talking about old victories, old wins…

But if you want change, real change…

If you want freedom in all areas…

If you want to reach financial independence and you are willing to do what it takes…

If you do want to change lives like you envision it in your mind’s eye…

Then you need to stop playing this game!

Too many people go to the grave with their music still in them and it does not matter how successful they seem on the outside!

If you have built a successful (in the eyes of the world) life against the wrong wall then honey, you FAILED!

And you are settling for that at the moment!

You, who made a commitment to never work for anyone again…

You who started this business because you had a big dream to help people and of self-fulfilment…

It is time to WAKE UP!

To stop giving into the fear!

To make the choice to believe in yourself and the power of what you have to deliver on the world…

And you need to take the next step.

Pop over to to make your application to work with me on the History Maker Program and I will be in touch pretty shortly.

You have until Sunday Midnight before my rate returns to normal which is a thousand dollars more than right now.

This is it…

The day your life changes.

When you work with me, you can expect

Your income to increase massively – It is time to accept that you are only allowing a small amount of wealth through. Yes, you are already successful and comfortable but you are too attached to this level of comfort. Time to break free of this so that you can step into the more. No, you don’t know when or how it will all work, but it will work if you set your mind to be all you are born to be and I will be with you every step of the way

To be free of crazy relationships that keep you stuck in place – You are holding on to relationships right now that keep you safe and small. You already know it but you have confused a healthy sense of self-preservation with being selfish and so you allow people to speak into your life that really should not be. Work with me to see more clearly what truth you are denying about your current relationships. Everything may change or nothing may change but be open to growth.

To be free of religious nonsense that stops you doing what you need to do to get abundant results – Some of the religious beliefs you have in your brain are nonsensical and you kinda know it but it scares you to face them. Work with me to confidentially work out the kinks in your belief system, no judgement, no telling you what to think, I simply create space for you to step into your chosen, most empowering beliefs rather than just going along with the party line. You then choose how you want your chosen beliefs to play out. Again, nothing may change or everything may change. You just need to get clear on what you believe without judgement so that your inner guilt and fears are not clouding your judgement.

Incredible connection to Your Higher Power – You long for a deep spiritual connection and your Higher power is really not the one in hiding. As you handle the stuff that clogs you up about what you think your Higher power thinks of you, you will find a refreshed, more connected relationship with Source that empowers rather than disempowers you.

A purpose-driven business that changes lives – Yes, I know that purpose is something you want your life to be built on. But you dither and procrastinate at the moment on playing full-out because you doubt that you can use your gifts, strengths, experiences to build a business that will provide you with the ability to change lives AND to make money. Work with me to figure it all out so that IT DOES!

A deep sense of wholeness and wellness inside, knowledge that you are on path – Inside of you is such a lack of clarity around what you are allowed or not allowed to do. So many rules and beliefs that keep you stuck. Work with me to get supremely clear that even on the uncertain days, you are in exactly the right place for you. And also, lets take a look at your health and physical well-being too.

To be confident in making offers and asking people to pay you handsomely for what you choose to deliver to the world – Stop playing down your strengths and gifts by charging so little for your service, products, whatever. Learn how to make irresistible offers and begin now to handsomely charge for the good you put in the world. Work through the internal resistance and the fears that will rise as you step fully into your power.

To Know your unique gifts, talents, strengths and a battle plan to get them into the marketplace serving people and making you money – Get clear on what you have to offer the world, your purpose, your calling. Bring it all out as I create a safe space for you to explore what you really want and who you really are, away from all the boxes that loved ones may have placed you in. And then we will create marketing plans to truly use your strengths to serve while you promote what you have to offer. Marketing, sales are all forms of service, you know!

To feel certainty inside that you are on the right path and to show that in the marketplace so that others are able to trust you – People buy into confidence. They need to trust you which means you need to trust that you are doing the very best you can in this moment. Work with me to remove the shadows that cause you to sound uncertain and unsure. Of course, your life is an ever-expanding gloriousness but for right now, in this moment, you can be certain that what you are doing is the best you can do RIGHT NOW.

To confidently shine your light – Yes, you are leader and as leader, you must shine your light and trust that you are enough for the work you are called to do and the people you are called to serve. Time to get over thinking it is humble to play small and time to see where you do it without even realising that you are. You can be assured that working with me will cause you to see your blind spots with incredible clarity and growth will follow.

To have more influence and impact than ever before so that you can actually help the people you are called to serve. – You are currently holding back. You see the big picture and it both attracts and repels you because you wonder if you are enough or if you have a right to think that or whatever your limiting belief of choice is! Work with me to shine a light on where you are holding back because of false beliefs and then in turn, show up in the marketplace, more powerfully than you have ever done before and actually SERVE MORE people who now can trust you because you start to own who you are meant to be – HISTORY MAKER, MAVERICK, LEADER!

To be a role model for your family and because you level up so much, you can be the source of change for your whole family! – Your fears that you will somehow lose your family or be less available to them are not true. Actually, it is as you own the fullness of yourself that you allow them to do the same. It is as you stop holding them responsible for you playing small then you release them to step their game up too. Work with me to be the family man, woman you are born to be.

To stop resisting money and the receipt of it! You will finally allow yourself to receive AND KEEP what is yours by birth – You may not be actively trying to pursue the accumulation of wealth just for selfish purposes but that does not mean that you should continue to repel it. Time to get free of the need for money so that it stops running from you like that date in your younger years – The one you scared away by your intense desire for him/her and also the game playing you partook in to pretend you did not want him/her. Money flows. Allow it to! You can have as much or as little as you desire but realise that you ar able to do more good with more of it. Time to handle those money ideas that may not be serving you.

To stop self-sabotaging and to handle the impostor syndrome so that it stops getting in your path – Your feelings of being too small to play the big game, do you no favours. Time to notice where you are not showing up in your fullness because of the underlying belief that you are a fraud. This is a blind spot for lots of powerful people. Work with me to spot when you are doing this and to learn techniques to SHOW UP!

To have a social media and online marketing strategy that generates prospects and sales quickly – Yep, the practical stuff will also be covered in our work together. ACTION plus CLARITY!

These are things that my clients have already experienced and now you get the opportunity to be one of the elite…

Or you can stay stuck in place, on the fence, almost but never quite ready to commit to living YOUR REAL life!

If you are done with that and you want to change your life as well as start to change lives, then pop over to to apply

Author's Bio: 

Project 334k | Rosemary Nonny KnightEmpowering 334000 people worldwideto reach financial independenceand make a dent on the planet CLICK HERE To Grab The Purpose-Driven Millionaire Business Growth Pack Hey, I am Rosemary Nonny Knight!
Rosemary Nonny Knight
used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online

Get her freedom book now at