Asked by a new DM Club member…
Here is my answer
Not the easiest at all…
No doubt about that…
And yet, you have a new focus now…
No longer are you just going to work, you are also building your dream and your job is funding it…
It is temporary…
Not the permanent ... Views: 1541
Honey, you are a creator
You know it!
You remember when you were a young child and you write your thoughts down and maybe even wrote poetry and made your parents listen into it…
Or maybe there was no one to listen but you still wrote…
You dreamt and dreamt of things that you could ... Views: 1465
What are you committed to?
What do you consider to be the purpose of your life?
Or are you one of those who are still looking for one?
What if it is all your choice?!
What if you could just choose something that stirs your heart and make it your purpose and COMMIT to making it happen ... Views: 1156
I talk a lot about the narrow path and to me, it is that less commonly taken road…
The path taken only by mavericks, by deliberate millionaires, by history makers…
The path that leads to a purpose-driven life and business…
One that leads to increased impact and income (if you let ... Views: 1251
Why do you do this?
You hold on tightly to a life you do not want.
You see opportunity for change but you just keep hanging on to your ‘half-life’
Trying to protect yourself from failure
But you are already living that! Yes, honey, you already failed!
There you are trying to ... Views: 1433
You overcame…
You handled it!
You are still standing!
And now, you have a story to tell…
You have an experience that can change another’s life…
But you feel the drag of the story…
It wants to pull you back into it
And you may not even be aware that you are reacting…
Ever ... Views: 1486
Every day, you have one less day to realise the vision in your heart
Are you doing everything you can to live it out?
Every day, you feel less sure that you can change the trajectory of your life…
Every day, you get more and more stuck in your ways…
Every day, you give up a little ... Views: 1437
There you sit, waiting, waiting, WAITING for some kind of certainty…
WAiting to know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it and when EXACTLY it will work in the way that you want it too and you will not move until you KNOW, DAMMIT!!!
Well, honey, you will be sitting there a ... Views: 1463
You don’t get it yet and so you sit on the fence…
Liking, commenting, mostly lurking and sometimes sharing what I do…
And you try to ignore that little voice in your chest that is telling you to reach out and work with me…
You tell yourself that you don’t need it…
You tell yourself ... Views: 1477
Sometimes, it feels like you are a child in a toy shop surrounded by toys but you are not allowed to touch them!
You can smell the new toy smell and you are so close to them but yet, it is like there is a film between you and the toys and you are not allowed to play or so someone said ... Views: 1573
I have spent many a night lying in bed, petrified…
Fear appearing like a real person…
Holding me down
Scaring the living daylights out of me as I allowed my mind to be fed with all kinds of thoughts of destitution and poverty and ‘being laughed at’ and ‘being unworthy and unable’
And ... Views: 1576
Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by the familiar…
Things and people that have been around you since forever…
It is all so the same
And yet, you feel different inside
You feel called to follow through on a particular call, a particular purpose
And it is unlike anything that ... Views: 1348
I have always wanted a life where I was super close to my Higher Power!
Since I was 6 or 7 years old and life took a turn for the unknown, I have searched for spiritual understanding…
Always knowing that there was something, someONE out there loving me, paying attention…
Religion ... Views: 1362
People find it easier most times to stay on the surface, when speaking with me…
They just want to talk about business growth strategies and how to get their books out there or art or music or products or whatever…
Even though I know that I could give them the magic bullet strategy every ... Views: 1003
I walked through most of my life feeling unworthy…
Always rebelling against what people wanted me to do because I had this inner voice telling me that it just would not suit me…
Family wanted me to remain a pharmacist instead of go into my own business…
Family wanted me to ... Views: 1378
You have some money…
But it never seems enough…
You have ideas for things you can do to elevate your income…
But you never seem to follow through…
The book remains unfinished…
You start to create that piece of art or music but you never complete it…
You dream and think about ... Views: 1157
You spend too much time questioning yourself…
You spend too much time wondering if what you have is good enough to help people…
You wonder if your gift, your strength, your story, history, experience is even useful…
You wonder if you have what it takes to go the distance…
You wonder ... Views: 1153
You, created in the image of the Divine…
You, Born to lead and impact many lives…
You, creative genius…
You, overcomer of horrid bad times…
You, defeater of depression, stress and anxiety…
You, determined turner-upper when others would have laid down and given up…
You, powerful ... Views: 1355
You think that your success will come down to you being good enough…
It won’t
You think that you only get to serve people and make a heckuva lot of money when you have jumped through all the hoops and been the best person for the job…
It does not depend on that…
You think that ... Views: 1024
I just spent a longer time than usual, rewriting out my vision…
Really getting into the spirit of it, seeing pictures in my mind of myself and my family doing all the things I dream of…
Seeing chains being broken off me that chain me to a lower existence than what I am capable ... Views: 1364
I grew up on bible passages like this…
“Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God & His Righteousness…
And then Everything you need will be added to you”
It was an exhortation to put first things first – your purpose, your calling – and expect that your every day needs and desires will then be ... Views: 1275
Do you ever get tired of listening to those people that boast of some – something they did a long time ago? And yet, no recent wins!
I mean it is nice to hear it the first time but when nothing new is happening, you stop listening, right?!
Wondering when they will shut up and go do ... Views: 1136
You are conflicted, aren’t you?
In the silence, you know your purpose – You have always known it!
Since you were young, you knew you were called to something in particular…
To impact people in a significant way…
But it does not seem practical…
You don’t think it will make you all ... Views: 1151
Today, I struggled to come up with something to say to you…
And I know for most people, that would be a reason not to try…
But I am committed…
Committed to communicating with you…
Committed to showing up with that timely word that will propel you forward…
Committed to reminding ... Views: 1632
Sometimes, building your purpose-driven life and business will feel like you are taking many, MANY steps back!
In my quiet time this morning, i had the impression of a catapult, being pulled back and back and back…
The tension is high…
And that is how it feels, right?
You wonder if ... Views: 1208
One thing you must realise is that you are not your negative thoughts...
They are simply puffs of wind passing through your brain and you get a choice as to whether to hold onto them or not.
I get it - You have been holding on to them for a long time now. I did that too!
I remember ... Views: 1189
Today, I got a message asking me how I help people...
My first reaction to this question is usually "Go look!" It is not like I hide what I do - It is everywhere if you care to look.
But then because I know people, I went beyond that to wondering why this person had reached out to ... Views: 1223
Your mind is a crazy place at the moment, isn't it?
Full of wonderings and wishings and uncertainties and ups and downs and you feel out of control in your mind at the moment.
And yet, it is all within your control.
Your brain can only take you where you let it take you.
It is on ... Views: 1415
So, I started this differently but then realised I had a particular bug bear to address and so here goes – RNK is about to rant!
Right now, there are people dying…
In various countries round the world, people are in danger, they are hurting, it is horrid…
And I hate it.
Peace, ... Views: 1712
I have always felt a little out of place…
Born in the wrong place, to the wrong family, or so it felt, because I never felt like I fit into anything…
Never felt black and African enough…
Obviously not white enough…
I found what felt like my place within various churches…
As long ... Views: 1590
Gosh! Life can feel tough at times…
Incredibly tough!
I could tell you all my sad stories about what this parent did or what that friend did and how it hurt me and yep, it did…
It hurt me so bad, deep down inside of me…
It made me clam up, build walls around me…
It made me ... Views: 1606
Come on now, you have tried to do things that way, have you not?
You have toned yourself down, tried to be obedient to every rule that the gods of business and the internet and social media propose…
You have tried to be polite and nice and to kinda be under the radar while trying to tell ... Views: 1608
It was only 8 or so years ago when I wondered this – When will my life begin? I was humming the tune to Tangled in my head and wondering when things would change, when I would have the dreams I longed for, when I would feel alive again, when I would love life again.
I had been bankrupt a few ... Views: 1650
It will never be enough to simply say ‘yes’ to every amazing and inspirational post you read on social media…
It will never be enough to say ‘amen’ and then to retreat back into your regular life where you do not do anything scary or stretch yourself…
It will never be enough to sit around ... Views: 1477
There you are, sitting on the ledge…
You are there on the line between greatness and just being one of the masses who dream a big dream but get absolutely nowhere…
You have within you the ability to change lives, starting with your own…
But the fear of making a mistake holds you ... Views: 1459
The biggest obstacle you face in getting the life you want, is the one in your head…
The one that says you have to follow the rules put in place by some other human being just like you…
The one that says that you need some person’s permission to be all you want to be…
The one that says ... Views: 1558
Sometimes, peeps get way too spiritual and not in a good way…
They try so hard to ‘be’ because hey, we are human ‘beings’, right? not human ‘doings’ or so the silly saying goes!
Honey, seriously, there is no being without doing!
In order to ‘be’ anything, you have got to DO ... Views: 1478
I wanted to build a business online for a very long time…
I dabbled and tried all those get rich quick scheme things where you click this button, follow that other step by step thing and money would somehow automatically get thrown at you…
A lot of my university days were ... Views: 1480
You have a dream, a big dream of life being easier and more amazing than it is at the moment…
You also have a doubt, a big doubt that it can never really get any better than this…
And unfortunately, the doubt wins.
And so you stay stuck.
Wanting but fighting yourself and therefore ... Views: 1160
It is easy, oh so easy to talk and talk and dream and plan but never actually do ANYTHING to make the vision a reality…
It is so easy to pray, to affirm, to think, to journal yourself into ecstacy and still never DO anything to make the vision real…
You actually have to move, you ... Views: 1515
So many people say they want to be rich or financially independent or impact and influence people for good or reach whatever level of success they feel born to reach…
And yet, not many people choose to do it…
They come up with excuses…
“Oh, I don’t know what to do” – No one does at the ... Views: 1189
It is one thing to say you want to achieve financial independence and it is another thing to actually get to work making it so.
It is one thing to say you want to change lives with a service, ministry, product or art, books, music and it is another thing to actually do the work to make it ... Views: 1165
Honey, I can see you…
YOu want to say certain things but you hold back, worried that you might lose all your friends…
You want to do powerful work, change lives and create a super-successful business but you are scared that someone, somewhere will think you are mercenary…
You worry ... Views: 1326
Your heart is stirred…
You hear words that speak to your very soul…
And you know it is a “YES!!!!’ for you…
BUt then you go to move your feet and… nothing happens…
The fear rears its ugly head again…
And so, nothing.
You retreat…
You beat yourself up a little more…
You ... Views: 1314
Yesterday, I doubted myself…
It was pyjama day so I allowed myself to indulge in it and guess what?!
I regretted it.
I ALWAYS regret it and yet, I never seem to learn.
I allowed the doubts a voice in my head for about 4 hours and then I realised that I was getting absolutely nowhere ... Views: 1434
It is not that some have it and others don’t…
It is not that some were born with it and others weren’t…
It is definitely not the case that others have more time than you…
Honey, there is simply no secret sauce…
To success, I mean!
To making the money you want, I mean…
To living ... Views: 1488
Honey, today is the day that everything starts to change…
Not tomorrow when you have learnt something new…
Not tomorrow when you suddenly have some more time and the children don’t need you, or the partner is happy or the parents don’t want you to run an errand or something…
Not ... Views: 1239
There is a longing inside of my heart…
It is painful at times…
This desire to open up brains and hearts and help them see what they seem to be blind to…
The power inside of them…
The ability to create life the way you want it…
The ability to get ... Views: 1978
You know what you are capable of…
You know that if you really set your mind to do something then it has no chance against you…
But you are surrounded by regular people with regular thinking and you have started to doubt yourself…
You have allowed their negativity to seep inside of ... Views: 1266
Most people live in a bleak world…
They don’t mean to…
They don’t think they do…
But they do.
They tell you and anyone that will listen that they are being realistic…
And because most people around them think and talk in the same way, these people think they are accurate…
And ... Views: 1229