The aging process is a given it is going to happen! However, you do have some control of how soon you will let it happen. There are so many ways to maintain a more youthful you. If you just give in to the signs of aging without a battle the chances are you are going to look and feel older than someone that has taken a stand by refusing to accept that they have no choice in the matter.

The sooner that you start making the changes required and decide to take extra good care of yourself the better your chances of aging well and aging later. There are numerous changes that come with age, there’s the obvious visible ones and the not so obvious things that you do not see but maybe feel.

Depending on the type of skin that you have you may start noticing fine lines and wrinkles even as early as your 30s and 40s. Also depending on genetics and your general health you may start experiencing hair loss or thinning hair before you reach your senior years. Hair loss used to be considered just a male issue but that isn’t so. It’s now recognized that female hair loss is a huge problem and even more traumatic and distressing for women. While bald is often described as beautiful and or sexy on a man that’s not the case for women. Fortunately there are ways to stop your hair loss and improve thinning hair including laser therapy and a number of natural remedies besides the better known not so natural alternatives.

How can we talk about visible changes without mentioning how everything starts to droop? Body parts start to shift especially boobs and butts, necks droop, even eye lids droop. Eye brows go grey and have a mind of their own. Hair goes grey, feet spread and we get aches and pains more often.

Whether you have had good skin all of your life or not by the time you reach your 50s and beyond you’ll probably start to notice changes like age spots, rosacea, and even a return of acne. If you haven’t heard already a lot of people are experiencing really good results from blue and red light therapy. You don’t even have to go to a clinic to get the treatments now you can do your own at home.

When it comes to being healthy and active diet and exercise is top of the list. If you want to help your joints, maintain or improve strength then exercise is a must, Once you get older and in your senior years try to get 3 hours exercise a week that includes a mix of cardio and weights training. Eat healthy nutritious meals get adequate sleep; try to reduce your stress to a minimum.

There may be a lot of things that you want to change but start on the ones that you need to do most. Do something whether it’s for your skin, bones, hair you can always add more once you start seeing changes.

One of the most important areas to pay attention to is your mind especially as you start to get older. Don’t become a couch potato when you quit work be sure to find activities and hobbies that you enjoy. You may want to take a learn how to paint course with your friends or spouse even one you can do at home. Keep learning new things there is so much information available your brain need never get rusty. If you love to read then you may want to buy a kindle so that you can download books so that you are never without something to read.

There’s a lot that you can do healthy eating, exercise, skin care, hair care, care for the mind, reduce stress, keep active, have a social life and above all have fun!

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: Shirley Price is a trained life coach, mother and grandmother. She is the publisher of a website for the over 50s Shirley has written many articles on aging and life in retirement as well as develop and present workshops on the subject of life in retirement.