Did you know that 80% of women admit to having at least a little cellulite? Are you one of those? This is not just a problem for the female population; many men develop cellulite as well. What if I said there's there are methods to help reduce it? In this blog I'm going to tell you about how to get rid of cellulite.

Let's start with the first question: What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is created by fibrous connective tissues that conjoin your skin to your underlying muscle. In between these cords are your fat cells, and as your fat cells build up, they push upward against the skin, while at the same time the connective cords tighten up. This pulling and pushing under your skin creates an uneven surface or dimpling that has the look of cottage cheese. Due to the fact that cellulite is more concentrated in parts of the body that have a higher fat concentration, most people have some degree of cellulite around their thighs, hips and rear, but it is often found on many other parts of the body like the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms.

There are many things that have an effect on cellulite, not limited to your gender. Cellulite is more commonly found in women because of their genetic disposition and elevated amounts of fat on the body but men will develop cellulite as well. Weight, lifestyle, and age are also factors. As you age and your skin starts to become looser, you might develop more cellulite on parts of your body, even if your weight or body fat percentage doesn't change. Putting on weight will also cause cellulite to be more noticeable, as can high levels of stress and no physical activity.
Here are some ideas for controlling cellulite:

• Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water is a superb way to enhance the texture of your skin. It seems odd, but when drinking more water, your body will release excess fluid that you likely were storing (including in your cellulite-prone areas).

• A healthy diet. A steady diet including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains can give your body the recommended vitamins and minerals needed to properly burn fat and keep your skin healthy. Also add healthy proteins from foods such as nuts, beans, fish, antioxidant-rich green tea, berries and garlic to your diet as they can help add collagen, a connective tissue that will firm up the skin and makes the unpleasant look of cellulite less noticeable. Vitamin C, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids can also improve skin texture.

• Lose a few pounds. Dropping body fat with a balanced diet as mentioned above and exercise can greatly enhance the look of your skin as you will have less fat. If you recall from our definition of cellulite it's the fat cells between the connective fibers that cause cellulite.

• Get more exercise. As we stated above physical activity with a healthy diet is beneficial in reducing cellulite. Do cardio exercises such as aerobics or resistance training. Cardio exercises cause your body to burn calories which helps to burn fat.

You will also find several medicinal methods to reduce cellulite such as massage, liposuction, and laser procedures but these will be very expensive as well as painful. Adhere to these easy tricks and you will be off and running! Here’s to your future body!!

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Would you like to know more about getting rid of cellulite? Check out Fat Burning Foods for more information and great tips on how to get your body back into shape. You owe it to yourself and your body!