Today I am 62 years old, and I have to say I don’t feel 62, I feel 35 or so. But in many ways I feel even better than I did when I was 35. And in general 2015 became even easier for me, perhaps with age some wisdom does accumulate, thus all the past is released. Also focusing on only two things which are my passions— writing and healing has helped in innumerable ways.

Also deciding not to charge for any of my consultations. One day it just came to me out of the blue, that I needed to help people no matter who they are, where they were, and no matter if they had money or not. Money is irrelevant when it comes to helping people, it’s a God thing. Now with my retirement and social security I don’t have to worry about making money like I used too.

The only thing I have to think about is doing God’s work and helping those in need. Not charging for anything came as a great relief, I never felt comfortable charging. Because I know deep down inside that everything in the future will be free. That in the future everyone will work doing what they love, and will not have to worry about making a money. I see that coming for all of us… not right away… but it’s coming in the future.

And with becoming a vegan my body is very healthy, even better than when I was in my 30’s. Because in my 30’s I had arthritis and kidney disease and now all that has all disappeared. Plus I love animals, I have a hard time thinking about taking a life just so I can eat. In my heart I know I don’t want to make anyone, or anything suffer, that would not be right… so I’m vert peaceful being a vegan.

And the more I meditate, the more the years flip by without being as important as they used to be. When I was young there were ambitions and desires that were foremost on my mind… and desires and ambition seems irrelevant now. Because meditation allows me to be totally content with what I have in the here-and-now… no matter what I have. Perhaps all the societal conditioning finally wore off as I moved from doing 20 minutes of meditation to 30 minutes, to 45 minutes and then 60 minutes of meditation twice a day.

Some of the highlights of my last 62 years were as follows— meeting my
wife who is a truly an angel who cares about everyone. She is a blessings in my life! Also meeting Divine Mother Amma, Siri Siri Ravi Shankar and a few more very spiritual people along the way. These spiritual meetings brought me to a better understanding of myself that I can’t put into words. When a person meets a great master something happens, something that’s conveyed to the seeker, that I’m not able to express… and it changes a person forever… or at least it did me.

Many of these spiritual people would say out of the blue “You were once called Elias”. And when 4 or 5 great teachers said the exact same words… I had to take notice. Elias was a follower of Jesus. Perhaps in one life I was Elias, and that’s why I talk about God, the Universe, and the One and Only. I don’t know… I will only know for sure when I cross over to the other side of the veil. But I find it all very interesting, why would so many people say the same thing?

And through past life regression I found… I was a Native American woman, a Spanish Conquistador, and many more people down though time. But one of the lives that stands out most is being a Shaolin Priest. Perhaps that’s why I have such a great infinity for everything to do with Asia and all the great teachers that came from Asia… including Buddha and Lao Tzu. In fact one time I was watching a movie about Buddha and I burst into tears. I really didn’t understand why I was crying. But I had this feeling that I was reliving part of my life as a follower of Buddha.

And one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that my internal experience is more important than my outer world experience. That “I AM THAT I AM” is all there is… and all else is just icing on the cake.

Many Blessings to Everyone

Dr. Paul Haider

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Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 25 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at feel free to contact him any time.

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