
This article describes the ways of removing oily stains from white marble kitchen countertops. Go through this post to find them and employ the methods in your case.

When you are willing to make the luxurious choice for tabletops and countertops, the use of marble can be great. With regular use, you may spot oil-based stains on white marble kitchen countertops and benches. Cleaning them with the help of appropriate products is the key to keeping them in good condition. In short, this maintains their longevity.

Fortunately, several products are readily available in the market to offer cleaning to marble stone. To make a good purchase, understanding the basics is very crucial. Before going ahead to place your order, let’s identify the list of items to be used to clean oil stains appropriately.

Use a Soapy Mixture

Oil from cosmetics, peanut butter, and other products can spread on the surface. This needs to be cleaned regularly in an attempt to remove oil out of this natural stone. So, follow the steps-

• Mix liquid detergent with ammonia or acetone
• Spray this mixture over the affected area
• Leave it for 10 – 15 minutes to settle down
• Use a paper towel to blot the mixture

You may observe that all the oil gets transferred to the paper towel. Otherwise, you are suggested to repeat the steps to achieve desired outcome.

Corn Starch Can Be a Good Alternative

Are you looking for an alternate solution? With the use of corn starch, it is possible to get rid of oil stains. So, follow these steps-

• Simply sprinkle this starch on the stains
• Allow it to settle down for 10 – 15 minutes
• Use a clean cloth to wipe the marble surface

This process is likely to clean up the oil-based stains. In case, you find residues on the surface. It is suggested to repeat the steps again.

Types of Stains on Marble Surfaces

Considering the types of stains to be found on this stone surface, it is not limited to just oil-based products like milk, cosmetics, grease, and tar. You can find several other ways that lead to such stains. This includes-

• Coffee, tea, fruit, etc. can cause stains and alter the marble colour to a pinkish-brown
• Iron, copper, rust, etc. may turn the stone colour from orange to brown
• Ink and paint can also produce stains on its surface

Irrespective of the type of stains, the cleaning is a must. You are asked to follow the basics to save your time and effort.

Final Thoughts

Many people consider using vinegar or lemon juice to remove oil-based stains. This must be avoided to prevent damage to white marble kitchen countertops due to the acid present in them. As acidic products can alter the stone's colour after going through a chemical process, you should ignore its use for cleaning. Just follow the methods mentioned above and keep your place in perfect condition.

Do you need further assistance? Get tips from professional installers to identify more ways to clean marble surfaces. If repair or replacement is a must to bring back the original look of this stone, you will be guided accordingly. For this, the service charge will be a bit higher.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a good installer of white marble kitchen countertops. He also assists individuals by offering special care to them to ensure longevity. Keep visiting here to go through his interesting posts and enhance your knowledge.