If you lived to 500 years old, you might stand a chance to read all the articles on Wikipedia or a quarter of the books on Amazon.com.
Unfortunately we do not live to 500, and would need a fortune to buy half of the books on Amazon.com, so how about a solution that fits into one lifetime and you can use within a few days to gather all the knowledge you could ever desire!
At this moment, there are over 5 million articles on Wikipedia or over 10 Billion words of information and knowledge. There's an even bigger number of books (and another million published each year!) that you can buy on Amazon.com and that's well over 100 Billion words of information. An average reader can get through 250 words per minute. Don't worry -- we're counting how fast you read right now!
So an average reader would take around 371 years to read Wikipedia if it were his or her full time job. By now, I am sure you are getting the idea that to read, and more importantly learn that amount of information is impossible.
NOT SO!!! Not only is it possible, but it has been done for the last 30 years and you didn't even know about it.
We've all heard that we only use up to 3% of our brain's potential - that's the 'smart' people like you and I. We've also heard that as kids, we absorb and learn such vast amounts of information it's almost impossible to imagine as adults. We learn walking, talking, eating, drinking, running, playing, social skills, language, etc etc etc! The question is - why can't we do this as adults.
The answer is - WE CAN - we just aren't taught to.
Mental Photography is the primary vehicle that expediently creates a very strong rapport between the conscious and the subconscious. It opens many doors to our vast potential by building these bridges. As a learning tool, it allows people to assimilate information at 100 times the average reading speed with 100% retention for life. But, this is not limited to learning. More importantly, it opens a pathway to a part of the brain that has fantastic abilities. This part of the brain acts as a conduit to universal energies. Brain Management (Subliminal Dynamics in the USA) gives you the tools to take control of your life like never before.
Everybody knows that Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla used these techniques without even knowing about them. Don't YOU want to possess skills like Einstein!?
As the Information Age is fully realized by the information capacities of newest computers, the next step must be the "Mental Revolution". To simply "keep up" is not good enough. Only by getting back to assimilating information as a small child would, can we ever hope to hold our own in today's fast paced market. By achieving this with the Brain Management system, we can take a sufficient chunk out of the stress we endure. By strengthening and toning the brain in this natural way, we can create a better, healthier, and happier life.
Everyone was born with this ability to absorb huge amounts of information and knowledge switched on. You used it for the first 5 years of your life. And then, something terrible happens! You go to school!
Does school give us a Superior way to learn?
"Reading" is taught in opposition to Mental Photography. When you were taught to read, this ability was switched off. Reading does not work for everyone because it is NOT a natural ability. Reading uses a 'slow, inefficient' part of the brain. Mental Photography IS natural - it uses the 'whole' brain.
The best news of all is that YOU never lose it! We have been teaching Mental Photography since 1975, when Richard Welch first found it.
Richard Welch is the "Father of Mental Photography"
Some of you may ask how is this different to "Photoreading" There are many answers to this question, but the best is probably summed up by NASA itself, who performed a study on Photoreading which you can read for yourself at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20000011599_2000009345.pdf
In January of 2000 Dr. Danielle S. McNamara submitted a preliminary report to the NASA Ames Research Center on photoreading. To conclude the study, McNamara noted that, "In terms of words per minute (wpm) spent reading, there was no difference between normal reading (M = 114 wpm) and PhotoReading (M=112 wpm). So why is it that so many people tout photoreading?" In her conclusion, McNamara states that, "One aspect of the PhotoReading technique is that it leaves the reader with a false sense of confidence." (Wikipedia, 2008)
The Brain Management course is much more than reading or speed-reading - it's a holistic approach to increasing the usage of your wonderful brain. Because Richard Welch's technology was the first, and the only original, it has stood the test of 30+ years and no such discredit, as above, exist.
Mental Photography itself enhances the experience of reading. The average reading speed is 250 words per minute (wpm). Mental Photography begins at 25,000 wpm. During the training you are tested on recall at 52,000 wpm. Proficient Mental Photographers show up to 600,000 words per minute with 90% recall (just turning pages). The impact of Mental Photography is 100 times reading something. So if you are an avid reader, it will definitely enhance your experience of reading after you Mentally Photograph the book first. You have barely scratched the surface of what your brain is capable of doing!
And even more powerful is the way that Mental Photography exercises the brain! The benefits start from:
• Elevated Whole Brain Activity
• Strengthens neural pathways
• Hemispheric Balancing
• Heightened communication between the conscious and the subconscious
• Grow more memory (Dendrites)
• Quicker and clearer thinking
But let's talk about TANGIBLE benefits, something you can use to your benefit today:
• Business owners and Entrepreneurs gain important skills in decision making, problem solving, time management, and stress management
• Learn English, Mandarin, French - ANY language faster than you ever thought possible
• Learn Math, Science, Chemistry or Biology -- in fact, any subject whatsoever in record time
• Mentally Photograph all your text books - whether you're at school, college or post-graduate course
• Prepare for high school exams, or for Medical Doctor exams in hours instead of weeks
• And many more limitless opportunities to expand your mind and your knowledge
• Solve Complex Problems and Questions by allowing your brain to naturally find solutions through your natural neural networks
• Improve your driving with 360 degree perception
• And many more
This information has been presented over the last 30 years in a live seminar. Of course you can continue reading and learning the way humanity has done so for the last 6,000 years or so. If you think that's the most efficient way, no problem. We'll leave you to it.
Humanity first learned to 'read' about 6000 years ago - first for stock keeping (before this they would use devices like knots on a rope), then for other uses.
That doesn't make it efficient.
Due to its very nature, reading actually slows down the minds capabilities. By the way, this page has 1,202 words and it has taken you over 4 minutes to read it.
Imagine being able to absorb, retain and recall information 1000 times more effectively than reading!
You can, by attending an On-Line Training at ZOXpro.com or attending the Brain Management Seminar in various places around the world, or maximize your training by attending eBrain Executive Seminar in Australia.
Training is available at www.eBRAIN.com.au/
Online Training is available at www.ZOXpro.com/
FREE Online Training is available at www.MINDtoMIND.com/blog/
Email: brainy@ebrain.com.au
To receive updates and offers, go to: www.MINDtoMIND.com/blog/ and subscribe to receive the FREE "Mental Photography" Report
Shannon Panzo, PhD is Executive Instructor of Brain Management. Brain Management teaches you a range of mind enhancement techniques, primarily how to tap into and control your own vast potential locked in your subconscious mind. His students / clients discover the way to learn how to learn naturally and the key to unlocking your unlimited potential. The key is Mental Photography. www.MINDtoMIND.com/blog/ and www.eBRAIN.com.au/
The Brain Accelerator Blog: www.MINDtoMIND.com/blog/
eBRAIN Management: www.eBRAIN.com.au
ZOX Pro Training: www.ZOXpro.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/mindtomind
Linkedin: www.Linkedin.com/in/shannonpanzo
Facebook: www.ShannonPanzo.com
Additional Resources on Mind Power can be found at:
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