Some days, it feels really, REALLY tough to keep building your business.

No one seems to care about what you have to offer and you are trying and trying to get them to pay you some attention but NOTHING is working.

You release a program that people asked for but they do not buy...

You source a new product that you thought people would absolutely adore and again, nothing...

You try to get an ad past Facebook but it refuses to approve it and you start to fear that you will lose your account...

Your friends and family do not understand why you are working so hard all the time...

You even begin to wonder why you are working so hard all the time...

That sure fire person who was absolutely DEFINITELY going to sign up as a distributor in your team, suddenly gets cold feet and lets you down...

Your children hate the sound of you on the computer working and working away...

And in fact, they seem to get up to all kinds of mischief the moment you think you have a 'MOMENT' to yourself...

You are no longer sure whether God is on your side or not...

And frankly, you just want to roll under the covers and go back to sleep... possibly forever.
Because it just feels tough.

So very tough and you wonder how anyone can get themselves out of this funky space and go on to create success.

Surely, it is easier for everyone else other than you.

Surely, no one can be expected to go through all this drama...

You have a message, for goodness sake! And people just need to buckle down and listen in to what you have to say!

They need to be lining up around the block for the privilege of hearing you and buying your stuff but instead they are just walking on by as though they do not understand that they are in the presence of greatness!


This business thing is not as easy as it seemed from the outside looking in. When you were that comfortable professional, thinking and dreaming of all the freedom you would have when you started your own business.

When you felt that sense of purpose and calling and mission within you to set up shop and serve your community and the world with your thing.

When you were telling your doubtful friends and family about how you were goign to create success in just a few seconds...

You were so sure once and now, right in this moment...

You look back almost with longing at the safe job and career track you were on and wonder why you are doing this...

And I ask you, the same question - Why are you doing this?
Have you taken a moment today to remember?

Or are you just caught up in the depressing thoughts that seem to have assailed your mind just now?

Because honey, I know, that what you have is awesome and is exactly what certain people need. However, they will never know of it, if you give up now.

Rise up, warrior and friend.

These days happen as you build your business and yet, you can stay on path and take the next step anyway.

Whip out that journal, write down again what you are trying to make happen in your business, for your family, for the world and write down WHY it is so important that you stay on track.

And then ask yourself - What is the next step?

And then move again.

You got this.

It is time to fight for, to create the life, the business you want.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know how to get your first five customers online then pop on over and grab ahold of the blueprint I am putting together for you for free at

Rosemary Nonny Knight was a pharmacist until she decided to break free and start her own thing. She made it so within 18 months and now shows others how to do the same.