Miracles can be extraordinary events or everyday occurrences, but they’re everywhere, expect them and you’ll receive them!

“It is better to give than to receive”. This is a saying that you probably heard over and over again as a child. When you approach giving and receiving from this perspective you instantly see the two as completely separate. However they are not. Giving and receiving are one, like a beautiful dance whose steps can only be completed within the partnership. It is a never ending cycle. You can not have one without the other.

Think about this situation for a minute: You extend a smile to someone and they smile back at you. You gave a smile and you received a smile. Both giving and receiving experienced in one short moment in time. So which is better in that moment? Is giving better? Is receiving less? Are you a better person because you gave or less because you received? In reality, in the exact same moment you gave you received and the person who received also gave.

Instead live by the universal Law of Circulation that states “As you give so you receive.” This law is always active and it is based on the abundance principle—there is always enough to go around. This is the law behind all miracles. The saying “It is better to give than to receive” then is really just discouraging you from being a taker, being selfish. It’s certainly well-meaning, but for miracle creation purposes you need to let it go.

You may be open to give, but are you in “Miracle Receptivity Mode”?

If you hold beliefs that don’t match miracle energy you will more than likely come up short around receiving miracles. Your beliefs are very powerful and have been with you for a long time.

It will be a challenge for you to open to receive miracles when:
• You put yourself last, see it as the only way to give and hold yourself in high esteem for it
• It’s easier for you to give a request for a miracle to someone else
• Someone pays you a compliment and you get embarrassed
• Sometimes you feel empty, unfulfilled or even lonely
• You have a difficult time forgiving
• You have feelings of being undeserving or unworthy

If these are familiar, receiving your miracle will seem like an eternity and more than likely you will find yourself saying things like, “Nothing good ever happens to me” or “I try so hard and nothing ever turns out the way I want it to”. Instead choose to live from “Miracle Receptivity Mode” and transcend what’s been holding you back.

You deserve to live your miracle, all of your miracles. Ask—give your request to the Universe, an entity that is always supporting you— then open to receive!

Author's Bio: 

Maggie McCauley is a Spiritual Life Coach and creator of Miracles From The Heart www.receivemiraclesfromtheheart.com Post your miracles at www.miraclesfromtheheartblog.com . Share them with the world and then sign up to receive Today’s Miracle Reflection. You can contact her at maggie@receivemiraclesfromtheheart.com.