Are you still wondering if your hemorrhoids can be cured?

Read about the best pointers we've been able to find so far:

Digestive issues can oftentimes cause painful and enlarged hemorrhoids.

People between the ages of 40-60 oftentimes suffer from pain and itching of enlarged hemorrhoids. Enlarged hemorrhoids can be caused by too much straining while having a bowel movement. Although enlarged hemorrhoids are normally not thought to be a health problem, painful bowel movements could be.

The types of pain associated with painful bowel movements are rectal itching, bleeding while defecating and constipation. Some of the main causes of hemorrhoids are gastsroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes, depression, pregnancy, bipolar disorder, smoking and drug addiction.

Now we know the causes of hemorrhoids, we need to learn how to get rid of them. Hemorrhoids can be greatly helped by colon cleanses, changes in the diet and exercise. Eating food that is packed with vitamins and minerals can change how you feel in a very short amount of time.

Natural remedies would most likely be the best to treat hemorrhoids. A step by step guide will show you how simple it is to treat hemorrhoids.

A hemorrhoid becomes abnormal when it becomes inflamed due to constant irritation. This happens when hard stool irritates the hemorrhoids along the anal canal.

There are twp types of enlarged hemorrhoids that are different:

There are hemorrhoids that are external and hemorrhoids that are internal. In most cases, hemorrhoids found inside the anal canal are not painful. Enlarged hemorrhoids that are external can cause a lot of pain during bowel movements and are another matter.

There's some treatment options out there for you if you're suffering with painful bowel movements.

Inflammation and swelling of enlarged hemorrhoids can be helped greatly by usinig frozen ice packs. This can also soothe the inflamed veins.

You can also do sitz baths by filling your bathtub with enough water to cover your anus and clean the affected area. You can do sitz baths at least 10 times a day to prevent further growth of bacteria that may cause infection in the future.

Don't sit on the toilet for long lengths of time. If having a bowel movement is a problem, then you should talk to your doctor.

The enlarged hemorrhoids will be irritated more with scratching.

In order for the stool to be passed smoothly out of your body, eat foods rich in fiber and drink more water.

I hope you learned more about how to treat painful bowel movements using holistic and healthy treatments other than surgery or medications.

Click on our website today and gain cutting-edge information on how to treat painful bowel movements. There you will find a lot more natural cures for hemorrhoids.

Author's Bio: 

Jake Bremer is founder of and is a health advocate for issues relating to hemorrhoids.