These days life is busy: with deadlines and meetings and traffic, it is difficult to find time for your own care. You begin ignoring your body, and slowly signs of stress start showing on your body.

It becomes all-important to undo the harm and be prepared to confront the consequences. Doing physical activity for twenty – thirty minutes a day could undo several of the adverse effects of stress.

Each day physical activity not only makes you look and feel good and even loose a few extra pounds. It can also make your life less trying. Getting physical exercise can decrease anxiety by up to 50%. Suppose half the tension is gone just because you took a morning run.

While a workout cannot do away with all the affairs you need deal with, it can assist you in coping with your stress better. Here are a few of the reasons why physical activity is awesome for decreasing your tension and worries:

1.Physical activity improves your mood: physical exercise brings on chemicals that make you feel happier and ready to confront the day. It also increases blood flow to the brain; promoting this pleased, energetic sensation. The better you feel about life, the less stress will weigh you down.

2.Physical activity brings about additional energy: Stress makes you feel run down and exhausted throughout the day. If you exercise in the morning, you will get an excellent energy boost to keep you going in the late morning and afternoon. You may experience being exhausted throughout the first few weeks of physical activity, but be relentless and the energy will come.

3.Physical activity helps you sleep: there’s nothing that decreases stress more than a Great night’s sleep. Sleep not only recharges your strained, aching muscles; it also refreshes your mind and helps you to process information from the day. Getting more, higher quality sleep on a regular basis will assist you coping with the challenges of day-today life.

4.Physical activity allows time to think: much of the stress we confront is from our own mind. Rather than working and mending problems, we are worrying about them day in and day out.

5.Physical activity gives you time alone to center on your thoughts and clear your head without a bunch of distractions. That way, after your work out, you are able to get to work on mending a problem rather than worrying about it So design a plan and begin a regular workout routine. If you adhere to it, you will begin to feel less stressed, less nervous, and more at ease very fast.

Author's Bio: 

Part one: An idyllic and perfect world!

A career in graphic design and page layout spanning over twenty years, a successful career in a large London advertising agency, beautiful wife, gorgeous adorable kids, wonderful home, his and her cars, motorbike, holidays and a reasonably comfortable and balanced life.

Everything I had ever worked hard in my life for, but to be honest it never ever seemed like hardwork because I was having such a great time and literally enjoying every minute of it.

Work was fun and enjoyable and home life was wonderful!

Then I was to make the fateful decision that was going to change the course of my life forever!

I set up my own multi media agency based in London’s trendy Carnaby Street, exciting times indeed but unfortunately due to a bad choice of business partner after three years of trading the business went bust!

Then just like the “twister” in “The Wizard of Oz” the universe decided I hadn’t been “listening hard enough” and decided to not only wreak total havoc in my life but to destroy it completely.

One week into the liquidation and hugely stressful talks with solicitors and constant infighting with my “business partner” my then wife who I had been married to for over twenty years decided to drop the bombshell that she didn’t want to be married anymore either.


There and then my life ended, I had lost my business, my wife, my children, my confidence, my self esteem, I had hit rock bottom with huge debts and no willpower left to make a fight of it. My rock, my cornerstone, my anchor, my family had been ripped away from me with no chance whatsoever of reconciliation.

There I was, a grown man having to go back and live with his Mum (bless her) because I felt I had nothing to live for and just had this huge emptiness inside of me.

Part two: The comeback!

If anything I’ve always been a fighter and more importantly a “doer”, an action man who likes to get things done and has always lead from the front and taken whatever action has been necessary to see things through to completion.

I’ve worked out almost daily since I was 21 and always been into a healthy lifestyle and whether it was weight training or kickboxing I’d always found that it was my daily workouts that kept me sane, centred and focussed, so deciding to become a kickboxing instructor was a logical step.

I had so much fun teaching and training people in every major gym in London that I decided to add to my skills and become a personal trainer and nutritionist/weight management coach. This proved to be an excellent choice and major factor in shaping the career and lifestyle I now follow.

Within a short period of time I had a successful clientele across London, training clients in their own homes in Mayfair, Kensington, Chelsea and Knighsbridge.

The one factor that was constant in this was the fact that you’re not just a trainer to your clients, you become a confidant to everything that’s good or bad in their lives, and I found that even though I had the experience to listen and give out “sage advice” I didn’t feel qualified to do so.

Gaining my diploma in life coaching was the next major step in my life which then lead to a natural progression (for me at least) to becoming NLP qualified (neuro linguistic programming) and an advanced clinical hypnotherapist a fantastic combination which I found it to be one of the most awesome tools in helping to facilitate positive change in peoples lifestyles.

With my background and life experiences I know I have the perfect combination of tools and strategies to move any individual or organisation forward and have been doing so for over ten years.

Part three: Now!

I run corporate workshops on Personal Safety, Confident Life Skills and Managing Workplace Stress through Emotional, Physical and Nutritional Well-being.

I featured as the UK’s Lifestyle Expert for Sopexa (The International Marketing Company) “Vive le Cheese” campaign and here’s the video we shot with celebrity chef Sophie Wright encouraging people to include French cheese as part of a healthy lifestyle.

I am the UK’s leading lifestyle expert, and have appeared on BBC TV and in the national media, and have my own weekly radio show called #askgarth