One of the key determinants of whether or not we achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life is to what extent we believe success is possible for us. To embark upon any particular goal whilst simultaneously holding a limiting belief about achieving it is like trying to swim against a fast ... Views: 1152
If your typical day involves lunching ‘Al Desko’ and your idea of a quick break is to grab another double espresso, perhaps it’s time to rethink your stress management strategy and incorporate this little ‘chill pill’ into your daily routine.
Dubbed a ‘mini vacation’ this is like the little ... Views: 1145
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Physical Activity for Stress Management - by Garth Delikan is the UK’s leading lifestyle expert, as seen on BBC TV and in the national media. To learn more about Garth and to download his FREE Top Tip’s for Success eBooks visit his website at Like my FaceBook page
These days life is busy: with deadlines and meetings and traffic, it is difficult to find time for your own care. You begin ignoring your body, and slowly signs of stress start showing on your body.
It becomes all-important to undo the harm and be prepared to confront the consequences. Doing ... Views: 1230
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KNOWLEDGE ISN’T NECESSARILY POWER - by Garth Delikan is the UK's leading lifestyle expert, as seen on BBC TV and in the national media. To learn more about Garth and to download his FREE Top Tip's for Success eBooks visit his website at Like my FaceBook page
It’s whether or not you use that knowledge, that’s where the real power comes from.
Just knowing something doesn’t automatically mean your going to get results of any kind.
It’s utilising that knowledge intelligently and making it work for your own purposes that works.
Too many people ... Views: 1085
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Natural Herbal Remedies for Stress Management - by Garth Delikan is the UK's leading lifestyle expert, as seen on BBC TV and in the national media. To learn more about Garth and to download his FREE Top Tip's for Success eBooks visit his website at Like my FaceBook page
Natural Herbal Remedies: St. Johns Wort Although often easily accessible from your GP, there are many well-established reasons why taking an antidepressant drug to deal with stress is not a particularly smart move.
However, there is absolutely no reason why you should do so because St John’s ... Views: 1202
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Powerful Visualisation Techniques for Managing your Stress - by Garth Delikan is the UK's leading lifestyle expert, as seen on BBC TV and in the national media. To learn more about Garth and to download his FREE Top Tip's for Success eBooks visit his website at Like my FaceBook page
The body will always follow where the head leads If you think you can, you can! If you think you can't, you won't!
Whenever you make that final decision within yourself to take action, your body automatically follows suit and great things can be accomplished because mind and body are working in ... Views: 1355
Most journeys that involve public transport are usually very safe, but there might be a time when you do feel particularly vulnerable on a journey so it makes sense to be prepared.
If you do feel threatened on public transport it’s important to get to a place of safety immediately.
Get up and ... Views: 1387
When you park your car always try to reverse park it so that you are always facing forwards and are therefore able to see anyone suspicious coming towards you.
If you drive in forwards like most people do you because it’s easier, you immediately make yourself vulnerable by having your back to ... Views: 1252
If you think you’re being followed it’s very important not to panic.
What happens when you panic?
Well chemicals start getting released in your body, cortisol, adrenaline, your heart rate rises, you start breathing more quickly, you can’t seem to think straight!
This is the time ... Views: 2200
If you get accosted by someone in a car you will have the ability to see them coming, they also have to talk to you through the passenger car window if they are by themselves which means they have to stretch across the passenger seat to be able to speak with you with puts them in an unfavourable ... Views: 1068
Make sure your house or flat is secure and always secure outside doors and if possible fit barrel locks top and bottom.
If you have to use a key, keep it in a safe place away from the door, where you can find it quickly in an emergency – you may need to use the door in the event of ... Views: 1219
Don’t be afraid to use your voice, it’s one of your most potent weapons!
An assailant is looking for a “victim” an easy target, someone to be intimidated.
Just ensure that you are not that person.
If you are cornered or threatened use your voice forcefully and don’t be afraid to ... Views: 1621
55% of any message we give out is “unconscious” and we are constantly giving out these signals on a regular and daily basis and other people are “reading” our body language all the time.
Think about it. How many times do you make a judgement on someone you’ve just met, whether it be positive ... Views: 1495
The best way to cut the risk of attack is by taking sensible precautions as part of your everyday lifestyle..
My Awareness workshops ingrain these precautions and give you the self confidence to protect yourselves, and also work incredibly effectively within the corporate world as team ... Views: 1243
The essence of weight gain requires that the body be in overall energy surplus for a sufficient period of time to activate the adipose tissues (fat storage sites) to promote the uptake of excess energy (dietary calories) and convert it into stored energy as body fat.
Additional body fat may ... Views: 1850
Buy one and if possible go on a course and learn how to use it or better still book me for a two hour workshop within your company at a time to suit you, usually the lunch hour or immediately after work or if you get enough friends and colleagues together we could arrange a workshop.
There’s ... Views: 1239
55% of any message we give out is “unconscious” and we are constantly giving out these signals on a regular and daily basis and other people are “reading” our body language all the time.
Think about it. How many times do you make a judgement on someone you’ve just met, whether it be positive ... Views: 1988
Try to have at least 6 eating points in the day. Divide your food intake into 3 meals and 3 snacks each day. Plan this the day before, and ensure shopping trips make provision for lots of appealing foods and snacks.
Always prepare foods or snacks for work, and keep a supply of ... Views: 1263
The essence of weight gain requires that the body be in overall energy surplus for a sufficient period of time to activate the adipose tissues (fat storage sites) to promote the uptake of excess energy (dietary calories) and convert it into stored energy as body fat.
Additional body fat may ... Views: 1667
Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes and a basic component of a number of important molecules in the human body.
However, a raised level of cholesterol in the blood may increase an individual’s risk of developing coronary heart disease, which is the biggest cause of ... Views: 1347
Caffeine is present in many popular beverages including coffee, tea and cola drinks. It is probably also one of the world's most highly investigated food components. Despite frequently being pronounced as relatively free of detrimental effects when consumed in moderation, caffeine is still the ... Views: 1017
Not surprisingly now that over half the population are conscious that they are overweight, there are plenty of people happy to cash in and slimming and slimming products have become big business. Get thin fast remedies are on every page of every magazine it seems, and there are a whole host of ... Views: 1099
Talk to a partner or friend – they could help you highlight some self-help ideas.
Try to stop drinking alcohol on weekdays and make some minor lifestyle changes like increasing your physical activity.
When you are drinking, try to substitute every second drink with water, non-alcoholic beer, ... Views: 1963
Not surprisingly now that over half the population are conscious that they are overweight, there are plenty of people happy to cash in and slimming and slimming products have become big business. Get thin fast remedies are on every page of every magazine it seems, and there are a whole host of ... Views: 1130
Q. In what situation do you consume alcohol? What are your feelings in these situations? Does it make you feel more self-confident?
Q. On average how many units do you consume a week? (Be truthful.) You can only change if you are willing to take a good hard look in the mirror.
Q. What do you ... Views: 1369
Over the ensuing months we are going to cover in detail all the nuances of what I call “Assertive Communication” or being able to communicate in a much more positive and effective manner with the people In your life, whether it be work colleagues, including management, your friends, or just ... Views: 2219