written by Patricia Nunan

Dear Fellow Boomers,

The lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us. Summer picnics and lots of family gatherings are being planned for the back yard. As you sit around the picnic table are you talking about how you want to live in the coming years? Are you talking about how family members who are having difficulty getting around will get into your home? Will they be part of your family celebrations or are you just talking about it? It’s difficult to keep a conversation going, make a plan and then actually follow through with it. Believe me fellow boomers, I’ve been there too.

An important tool in the age in place discussion is making a plan and prioritizing. One method that has become popular with a few fellow boomers is to use a small portable white board. Keep it handy and when you’re having discussions, write things down. Using different colored erasable makers can help you categorize planning.

First, list your physical needs for your home, does it make the grade? Do you want to Age in Place there? List what it will take to make it the way you want, or need it, to be. Then start with the basics. Has your roof been checked lately? Is your home structurally sound? Are there major rehab projects that you’ve put off that need to be attended to? Is your electrical and plumbing up to snuff? It’s better to take care of these things when it’s not an emergency, so that you can plan and make better choices.

Next, list your family and how you can meet their needs. If you’re a young boomer, you may have kids as well as aging parents in your home. How can you help them in their planning process, while also doing what is right for you?

It’s so easy to fall into the lull of summer. Before you knowit, it’s over and we’re back to winter. No matter how small the list, or the amount of work needed to move or help your family, remember if you fail to plan, nothing happens. It will become an emergency.

Grab that lemonade and some markers and start generating a to-do list. Once you’ve checked off the big stuff move onto the next step like planning a no-step entrance or accessible bathroom. The beauty of the white board is it’s easily manipulated and never static. So keep the pitcher full and the makers handy. Its time to get the plan started!

Enjoy the summer and happy home,

Author's Bio: 

Boomer-Living.com is a unique and innovative internet resource whose goal is to be the most trusted and reliable internet destination for people of the Baby Boomer Generation.

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Boomer-Living.com promotes and highlights the rich and rewarding possibilities available to all members of the Baby Boomer Generation, while strongly supporting the concept of lifelong learning, personal mastery, and self-fulfillment.

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