Adjust the questions you ask yourself so they HELP YOU rather than HINDER YOU

We have an internal voice. And in that internal voice, we ask ourselves questions as well as make statements. Let’s take a simple example of a question we might ask ourselves in our internal voice:

Why can’t I…?

What can you assume from this question?

There’s something for you to do and you cannot do it.
What do you think your ever-obliging subconscious will do with this? As we’ll explore in the early chapters of my upcoming book, the subconscious has no judgment – it accepts everything you tell it as truth, so rather than seek the answer that’s best for you and your circumstances, it will sort through for reasons to support the assumptions in order to answer your question.

You can’t do it because of x, y, z.

By choosing to ask this type of negative question aloud or internally, you are creating these two assumptions in your mind. Whatever you tell your subconscious, it accepts it as truth and directs its focus accordingly. Whatever we focus on, coupled with strong feelings, tends to manifest. Question how you ask questions!

Since this is the case with negative questions, it is also true of positive questions.
We’ve looked at one simple example of what I term ‘a negatively-based question’. Let’s take a look at what I would call ‘a positively-based question’:

How can I do this quickly?

What are the assumptions here?
There’s something to do. It can be done quickly.

Your mind obediently searches for answers. As with the previous question, it will sort through its resources for reasons to support the assumptions in order to answer your question.

You can do it quickly by ……

Some more specific examples of unhelpful questions I hear people utter:
Why can’t I lose weight?
Why can’t I meet a man/woman who is right for me?
Why can’t I make him/her/them understand where I’m coming from?

That’s enough negative examples. I think I’ve made my point.

It takes the same amount of time and effort to ask a positive question as a negative one, so the next time you ask yourself a question aloud or internally, stop and consider this: is it helpful or unhelpful; is it empowering or disempowering? How can I adjust my internal questions so that they direct my thinking and creativity down a positive path?

Here are some examples of positive questions:

What’s the best way I can solve this problem?
How can I quickly resolve this issue?
How can I meet Mr Right/Ms Right?
Where can I meet Mr Right/Ms Right?
How can I connect with likeminded people?
How can I communicate my idea easily?

Your mind will search for answers to whatever questions you ask. You have the capability of lateral thinking, of creating ideas – unlock that potential by asking your mind the right questions. Keep asking questions till you’re happy with the answer.

Best wishes,
Louise Goddard

Louise Goddard, BA Hons, M.NLP, CHt
Confidence Coach, Master of NLP, Certified Hypnotist
Coaching and Hypnosis by ‘phone and Skype!

Author's Bio: 

Louise Goddard, BA Hons, M.NLP, CHt

Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP (Society of NLP)
Certified Hypnotist (Certified and trained by National Guild of Hypnotists Trainer)
Certified Hypnotherapist (Certified through the American Board of Hypnotherapy)
Master Weight Loss Coach
Certified Life Coach

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