Worry is an idle word that causes stagnancy and instability in a believer’s life. It is an emotion, which demands constant attention that breeds confusion, ferments fear, and reccessitates doubt. Worry is unrelenting and can quickly wreak havoc as its unyielding tendrils of confusion seep into the relationship one has with God. As hard as it seems to not give into worry, applying these scriptural verses to your daily life will help you to surrender yourself to the hope that is in Christ Jesus, and not the wishful thinking that is often disguised by the distractions of worry.

•“Do not worry about your life; what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? “ Matthew 6:25 NIV

As hard as these economic times are, God has not forsaken His own. The above words from Jesus show us that God considers life precious. God will provide our basic needs. It will come in the exact amount that He knows we need, not in the amount that we want or think we need.

Sometimes within God’s provision, one may have to juggle resources around to meet the needs of those involved and one may suffer for a time, but no situation calls for martyrdom.

Remembering the blessings that are apparent instead of the curses that are not, helps to keep things in proper perspective, and allows ones heart to receive and recognize God’s goodness.

•“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men.” Colossians 3:25 NIV

Although this scripture has little to do with the subject of worry, applying this mindset to everyday living is useful as it helps to keep the situation in its proper perspective. Even if one may worry about job prospects, or job insecurity, investing ones all into even the menial tasks gets God’s attention and will do to serve one well against worrying.

•“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Matthew 6:27 NIV

Worry has no benefit. In fact, it is a waste of time and instead of walking with confidence in the moment, and dealing with conflicts accordingly, worry can cause one to stand still.

Worry is void of the expectant hope living in each moment creates, it instead brings a cup that is overflowing with wishful thinking that is devoid of any promise given to us through Christ Jesus.

•“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV
This is essential to ridding oneself of worry. While we fall victim to circumstances daily, seeking out God’s kingdom of righteousness first allows one to develop character to walk upright among tumultuous situations.

•“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 NIV

Worry is a choice, and it is not something that a believer needs to give into. We have freedom in Christ Jesus through the means of the cross. When we place Him in front of all we do, He becomes all of who we are. We then begin to see the effects of the victory of the cross, which forces worry back into its rightful place of dormancy.

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self- discipline.” 2 Tim 1:7 NIV

So how does one go about ridding oneself of the nagging constant thorn of worry?

It is a process. Worry is such a big part of who we are that it often comes naturally. It is easy to say or hear the words ‘don’t worry’ but to put them into practice is another feat altogether.

In order to put worry in its rightful place, begin tackling situations from a different perspective or mindset. Each situation has many angles of approach. Success is all-dependent on finding the ideal counter attack in order to achieve optimal results. Those optimal results can only be achieved when the above scriptures are applied to one’s life with the accuracy and dependency of trust.

Trust is the essential tool in order to head off the debilitating crutch of worry. One way to build trust in a relationship with God is to commit and dedicate oneself to prayer.

Prayer is another way to reap the healthy benefits of God’s word that will allow one to find freedom from worry and all aspects of it.

Author's Bio: 

Shannon Gilmour is a Motivational Speaker and inspirational writer helping people help themselves through God's word.
