Schumann Resonance Meditation, Energy Psychology through Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves

The earth is surrounded by air, and the ionosphere, and it is a wonderfully resonant system. Any energy trapped within this earth-ionosphere cavity, like lightning storms, etc., will cause it to ring like a bell. This frequency was first time calculated and detected by the German physicist Schumann in 1952. He mathematically predicted that the most predominant standing wave resonates around 7.8 Hz. The amazing fact is that this frequency is identical to the Alpha spectrum of human brain waves. Alpha spectrum is associated with Enlightenment, Spiritual Growth, and Inner Peace.

Mindful Being Course by Natasa Pantovic Nuit quote about alternate nostril breathing and Schumann Resonance

Mind Control

When a person is meditating, praying or deeply relaxed his brain resonates within Alpha and Theta rhythms range of 4-8 Hz. During this relaxed state of mind, waves of Alpha and Theta frequencies cascade across our entire brain, making it possible for the human being and our dear planet Earth to come into resonance. Was this the vibration that ancient sages of India called AUM (Om), the sacred sound of creation? Or perhaps the original Sound of God that was mentioned in Christian Bible? The scientists believe that these waves help mental health, regulate our bodies' internal clock, improve sleep patterns, and hormonal secretion.

Schumann Resonance and Mind Body Healing

For a decade, Dr Robert Beck from US researched the brain wave activity of healers from various backgrounds. He examined Christian healers, shamans, dowsers, wicca practitioners, etc. and each exhibited ‘nearly identical EEG signatures’ during healing of a 7.8-8Hz brainwave activity. It appears that the basic earth’s frequency of 7.8Hz can enhance growth, improve immune responses, and generally re-balance the human body.

Consciousness, Awareness and transformation through spiritual growth

Various spiritual practices and spiritual paths and rituals are designed to allow this magic meditative Alpha range to rain. Bells ringing, shamanic drumming, mantra_chanting, trance dance, meditation, various salutations to God, healing dances, Christian singing, bolster the human brain’s ancient harmonization with the planetary field. Entainment happens when vibrations of one object cause the vibrations of another object to oscillate at the same rate. Our brain waves are prone to this synchronization, and external rhythms have a direct effect on our behavior, mood, thoughts, emotions and re-action.

Schumann Resonance, Yin and Yang of Creation, Energy Psychology

Mankind developed with two subtle environmental signals, the Chinese call them Yin and Yang.

The Yang Alpha frequency of the Schumann wave, and the Beta Yin frequency of our waking consciousness.

Our brain dances among these important rhythms changing its functions every 1 to 2 hours, Yogis and Scientists see these happenings observing the dominant nostril exchange, the exchange of the Ida and Pingala energy flow, or left versus right brain dominance. Alpha waves are induced by calmness, inner awareness, creativity and learning while Beta is where our normal waking consciousness is, where we have active thoughts processes switched on, with outer awareness, automatic responses and emotions. It ranges from 13-30Hz.

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Author's Bio: 

Nataša Pantović MSc Economics, Published Author since 1991, Adoptive Parent, Management Consultant and Ancient Worlds Consciousness Researcher. Author of:
1. Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents,
2. Mindful Being towards Mindful Living
3. Art of 4 Elements spiritual poetry book and
4. A-Ma or Playing Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras.
5. Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams
6. Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations
7. Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings

Artof4Elements launched the AoL Mindfulness Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books with 7 Authors focusing on ancient history, creativity and comparative religion. A series of many genres, including poetry, personal development, historical fiction, the world of ''AoL Mindfulness'' explores inner alchemy, and reaching ones highest potential.