Are you interested to know how you can make the most out of your secured business credit card, without resorting to poor credit habits? If your answer to this is YES then, we suggest you employ the following tips guaranteed to help entrepreneurs, like you, reach their goals of managing their existing business credit cards in the best way they can.

Use just a reasonable percentage of your credit limit. Heed the advice of industry experts and use at most 40 per cent of the spending limit or cap imposed on your business line of credit. By doing so, you can avoid shelling out huge funds on overdraft charges and declined transaction fees – pesky fines that are usually imposed on delinquent business cardholders.

More importantly, this tip can help your enterprise maintain a low debt-to-limit ratio, which is a very important factor that influences the computation of your business credit score.

Settle your business credit card bills in full. As much as possible, you should submit complete payments to your card issuer, all the time. Keep in mind that deferment of your bills can cost your small shop or store a great deal of cash, usually in the form of huge interest charges.

Hence, if you are keen on keeping your interest payments minimal then, you should resolve to always pay your bills in full.

Submit prudent payments to your card issuer. There are plenty of benefits associated with keeping up with your credit card bills. First and foremost, this good credit habit can help your business realize huge savings on late payment penalties and surcharges. Second, it can help your enterprise build strong working ties with your card issuer, which is something you can fall back on in case you decide to apply for additional business credit accounts, later on. Third, it can help your business receive special discounts, especially if you can submit your credit card payments before their due dates.

Find time to review your secured business credit card billing statements. After all, this is can lead to the early detection of unauthorized or fraudulent credit card charges. Always remember that your small shop or store can only qualify for limited liability privileges if you, as the business owner and credit cardholder, can report cases of credit fraud to your card issuer, within two to three working days.

Hence, we advise you to keep a close eye on your billing statement. In so doing, you can prevent your business from being held liable for transactions you never made, in behalf of it.

Say NO to offers for additional credit cards, especially if you’re already managing two lines of credit. Keep in mind that managing multiple lines of credit, especially those which carry high rates of interest and fees, puts your enterprise at great risk of incurring a huge financial obligation that it might eventually find very difficult to pay back.

So, to prevent your business from falling into debt traps, you, as the business owner, should resolve to manage AT MOST TWO credit card accounts, at a time. And see to it that you will apply for additional business lines of credit ONLY if it is extremely necessary.

Author's Bio: 

Matt Nguyen is an online entrepreneur and a regular contributor of several online business journals. He has written articles primarily on how to build credit for new businesses by managing small business loans, applying for equipment leases and by taking out unsecured and secured business credit cards. To read more of his articles please visit Building Business Credit Blog.