Shingles without a rash is also referred to as the herpes zoster. The disease is caused by the Varicella zoster virus.
This virus often affects people who have trouble with their immune system and also elderly patients. The form of herpes without a shingles rash may not show up for many years and even decades, but it is activated when immune system has weakened.
Reproduction of the virus in nervous cells leads to the following symptoms of the disease:
• strong painful sensations;
• itch, pricking and burning sensation;
• skin numbness in the area of the nerve affected;
• digestive problems, defecation problems;
• increased body temperature, cold fit;
• soft tissues edema;
• inflammation of the lymph nodes;
• rising of skin sensitivity.
The disease can also damage an optic nerve therefore it can result in the partial blindness.
The diagnostics of shingles without a rash is carried out by the health worker according to the results of primary survey of the patient and also on the basis of their complaints. The analyses allowing to detect the virus in a human body can be prescribed in addition.
The disease has similar symptoms with some other viruses therefore doctors often make incorrect diagnosis that worsens a condition of the patient and provokes further development of the virus. First of all, the misdiagnosis is caused by absence of a rash specific to herpes.
When the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed and provided immediately to prevent possible complications. Antiviral agents and drugs for rising of immunity are the most helpful in this case.
When the patient suffers from painful sensations, the anesthetizing drugs are prescribed in addition. Also attending physician can make the decision on usage of topical antibiotics, corticosteroids, antidepressants and other medicine symptomatically. In this case everything depends on extent of development of the disease and symptoms. Use of local irritative drugs and antiepileptic agents is prescribed in rare instances.
The earlier treatment is begun, the higher chances to avoid emergence of complications. Patients can also suffer of the bacterial infection of a skin, meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, arthritis etc.
Facts about the disease
7 cases from 100 among adult patients come to an end with a lethal outcome. It is caused by untimely delivery of health care or its total absence.
The incubation period makes 10-20 days. The disease isn't dangerous further, and the patient doesn't need isolation.

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Pictures of Shingles Rash
Inna Tripoli is a native English speaker but can write professionally in 4 other languages. This includes extensive editing experience for some of the world's most renowned publications, and even the crafting of numerous songs, poems and prose.