Hair loss: these two words are enough to make men – particularly in their 30s and 40s – lay awake at night in a cold sweat. Male pattern baldness is one of the scourges of existence for most men, who become afraid to even look into the mirror anymore after they first notice their hair beginning to thin out. If there was a way to stop hair loss and stop it right now, those suffering from this emotionally painful condition would no doubt be willing to do what it takes to make that happen without pause or hesitation.

But in fact, stopping hair loss is not an impossible dream. For those who are willing to really give it a try, remedies for male pattern baldness are available. “Stop hair loss now,” can be interpreted as an imperative if you like, or as something to be yelled out at the top of your lungs through an open window to let everyone know what you plan to do. But if you are experiencing the unpleasant results that follow the onset of androgenic alopecia – to use the scientific name for the progressive and relentless thinning of the hair – then above all else you must embrace this mantra fully and completely. You must be truly determined to conquer male pattern baldness. If you are, then you are ready to seek out the kind of help that is available to men who find themselves suffering from this unpalatable condition.

Find What Works and Stick With It

Options are now available for those who want to find a remedy for androgenic alopecia. Not everything will work for everyone, and no one should expect a quick fix. Generally speaking, hair loss remedies take many weeks or months to show results, and even when they do, things may change much more slowly than you would hope or expect. But if things are indeed changing, that is what is important. Don't become discouraged because your hair is not coming back as fast as you hoped or expected. And most importantly of all, don't give up and quit using a treatment that is actually working. The point is to stop hair loss now so the damage does not get any worse. But actually getting back what has temporarily disappeared is a process that will take some time, and you must know this and accept it going in. Finding what works and sticking with it is the best approach, but you should be patient enough to understand that the body heals its maladies and disorders at its own pace and that you need to respect that pace if you want everything to turn out all right in the end.

Stopping Hair Loss Now: Your Choices

You might have to try all of these before you find what works for you, or you might have to use some combination of different hair loss remedies to get the kind of results for which you are looking. On the other hand, if you are really lucky, the first thing you try may do the trick and you may not have to experiment with anything else. But no matter how it shakes itself out, the bottom line is that you should be able to find help somewhere, if you are determined and diligent enough in your efforts.

The first remedy that can stop hair loss now is minoxidil, which is sold without a prescription. Minoxidil is massaged directly into the scalp, where it has the ability to facilitate the healing of wounded hair follicles suffering from overexposure to a biochemical called DHT. A form of modified testosterone, DHT is a useful substance that is overproduced in the bodies of men with male pattern baldness. When present in abundance it congregates in the hair follicles, eventually rendering them inactive and making it impossible for them to continue producing hair. Minoxidil protects hair follicles from the ravages of DHT, and gives those already sickened a chance to recover and begin producing healthy hair once again.

The second remedy for hair loss is a drug called finasteride, sold under the name Propecia. Available only by prescription, finasteride actually interferes with the body's manufacture of DHT, cutting off the cause of androgenic alopecia at its source. This drug can be quite effective as a hair loss method, but be forewarned: Like all pharmaceuticals, it is expensive and can produce some negative side effects for some users.

The final effective approach for stopping male pattern baldness involves the use of nutritional supplements that can help the body return to a balanced state, where DHT production is well-regulated and hair follicles have all the nutrients they need to produce hair that is strong and filled with vitality. There are different types of these supplements available, containing different combinations of ingredients, but all work on the principle that the body can heal its own dysfunctions quite effectively if it is provided with the vital nutrients it needs to restore compromised functioning. Among all the treatments for hair loss, nutritional supplements are by far the most affordable, which is an advantage that should not be overlooked.

Choosing to Stop Hair Loss

In reality, the choice to stop hair loss now is entirely up to you. To state it simply, you must try the methods listed above, and refuse to get discouraged until you find what works the best for you. This is not an imperative or an empty bromide from a lame motivational speech. It is the only way to really stop hair loss, now and in the future.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin, a hair loss system designed to stop hair loss. While most hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combat the causes of male pattern baldness and restart the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at: