Insomnia or lack of sleep is called sleep disorder. Insomnia disease affects both the quality and quantity of sleep. The affected person feels physically and mentally tired and languid. The lack of sleep makes a healthy person to ill-tempered. Many people do not sleep at night from time to time. That’s not mean that the particular person is a victim of insomnia.
Insomnia is a disease that persists for a long time and which gives a negative effect on your performance, relationship, decision ability and quality of life, however, every person needs sleep independently, and 6-8 hours sleep is considered sufficient for an average man.

Causes of insomnia-
i) Stress: Stress is a common cause of insomnia. These tensions can be caused by any serious event is happening in life or problems of daily life such as a pressure of work, worry of money or health, death of any loved ones, divorce or job loss etc.

ii) Other problems are related to mental health: Victims of depression and anxiety and other victims of mental illness may have problems in sleeping.

iii) Medicines: Insomnia is also caused by the side effects of many medicines. There is caffeine in many painkiller medicines and common cold cough medicines, which inhibits sleep cycle.

iv) Alcohol and drugs: Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and narcotics can also cause insomnia. The alcohol and other intoxication disrupt sleep due to this reason it breaks our sleep.

v) Events related to life: If you work in the night shift or you are transferred to different time zones then your body can not fit in with this change and you may have difficulty in sleeping.

Symptoms of insomnia-

The person who is suffering from insomnia can see many types of symptoms, which are as follows.

i) A regular headache or stomach ache

ii) Inconvenience, lack of concentration or concentrating on anything.

iii) Memory power starts weakening

iv) Always feel tired, and lethargic.

v) Frequently sleep loss and trouble in coming back.

Solution of insomnia-

i) Water should be splashed on both eyes before sleeping.

ii) Take a bath in the summer season.

iii) Do not use a computer, mobile and TV less than 2 hours before sleeping.

iv) Dinner should be at least 3 hours before sleeping.

v) Keep clean the place of sleeping and your bed should also be comfortable.

vi) Have good sleep at night and do not sleep in the afternoon.

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I am from Talented India and through it, we provide success mantra, news, and Health News in Hindi