I have gotten very good over the years at getting myself to the fitness workout. Let’s be honest some days, you just aren’t feeling it. Now, if you are ill, that is one thing but just good old fashioned laziness – you can beat that!

Ok, here is one - you can try to talking to yourself

“Self, once you add a fitness workout into your day, you will find that things are much easier. You will definitely have more energy but working out also stimulates your brain. When you exercise you actually create new brain cells! You can get those brain cells back that you killed in college with the late party nights."

Here is another thing, if your brain does not create new cells, aging happens. So adding a fitness workout is kindof like Botox for your brain…Wouldn’t it be great to be at work and have your boss throw something crazy your way in a meeting (in front of your collegues) and to be able to think quickly on your feet? No more “uhhh .. can I get back to you on that?”

Also, when you get home and the kids are clamoring for your attention, or your spouse or the dog – you will have the energy to deal with things – playing one more game, listening to your spouse’s day, helping with homework or taking the dog out for a walk.

Fitness workouts also help your mood. When you exercise the brain increases the release of endorphins – which are basically “happy cells”. It also allows more of L-trytophan to enter your brain which also helps balance moods and make you feel better. You will be much less likely to blow up because of the mess in the living room!”

No, still not feeling it? Get a workout buddy – if you are not feeling the fitness workout that day, your buddy can motivate you to get in it. Once you are in it, 9 times out of 10, you will feel great and have a real sense of accomplishment. Maybe the next time you will be raring to go and your buddy won’t – then you will pull them through. If you both aren’t feeling it - - guilt trips always work!

No, still? Geez, you are tough!! How about this - you can also set yourself up for fitness success by setting a short term goal and a long term goal. Heck, you can even set yourself up for short term success while you are in your fitness workout – I play games with myself if I am not feeling the workout that day – “I will do 15 minutes and see how I feel” then, “ok, I will try 15 more minutes” – the next thing you know, you are done!

Set yourself up for a 60 day fitness workout or a 90 day fitness workout – a lot of the best exercise and fitness workouts are on a 60 or 90 day cycle. Why? Because it works – it gives you time to get into the workout, see results and incorporate it into your life. Try making a chart or check off on a calendar each time you work out – make yourself accountable!!

After you have set some short term goals – “I want to get into my old jeans”, “I have a high school reunion in a few weeks” “I have a wedding to go to” whatever, make sure you set some long term ones too. Long term goals can seem very far away but if you set a series of short term goals, it keeps you motivated and moving toward your ultimate goal. It breaks it down and makes it manageable.

Bottom line is, you can do this and you owe it to yourself and your family! If you have any other questions, I would love to talk with you. Drop me a line at kaylatz@yahoo.com or www.WinnerWorkout.com. or heck, you can even give me a call at (310) 866-6441.


P.S. I have a FREE Report on Fat Burning - just enter your email at www.winnerworkout.weebly.com.

Author's Bio: 

Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by my bio! I live in Los Angeles, have a great kid, great husband and I have the cutest dog in the Universe (sorry to bust your bubble about your pooch).

I am a former performer (I married my husband on a stage in NY), a bit of a spaz, have a couple of tattoos (that seems to surprise people) and love hanging with my friends.

You might want to get to know me if we have these loves in common:
* Being a mom and wife :-)
* My friends and making new ones!
* Talking about acting
* Fitness and working out
* I am a total Gleek (Don't stop Believing)
* True Blood!!
* Gymnastics
* Dreaming BIG!