I recently read an e-How article I found and they too know soy products are found in over 60% of our food supply. It’s a substitute for animal proteins for vegetarian and vegan diets. Soy also found in many beauty products, vitamin supplements, and candles. That’s why someone like myself with a severe soy allergy must read every label thoroughly. After my extensive research there were questions as to what too much of these products can mean to women's health issues.

Breast Cancer

1. Soy has phytoestrogens that is an estrogen-like substance. These substances should be avoided if a woman has an estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Research suggests that eating large amounts of soy products, if you have this type of breast cancer, may be detrimental to your health, according to WomensHealth.gov.

Drug Interactions

2. Soy may interact with drugs needed for such conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, diarrhea, obesity, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases, according to MedlinePlus. Any woman with these types of problems should consult with her physician before ingesting large amounts of soy products while taking thyroid hormones, antibiotics, diuretics, iron salts, immunosuppressant or other medications. I also recommend that if you have any allergy to soy check with your pharmacist when medication is prescribed because there may be an active or inactive ingredient that contains a form of soy. I have had this happen to me, and I the pharmacist was able to find something else.

Allergic Reactions

3. According to the Mayo Clinic one of the most common products that causes allergies in children is soy. But I believe the allergy to peanuts comes first. As you know, soy allergies can be mild to severe or life-threatening symptoms, so continue to read your food labels in order to detect any soy or hidden ingredients in the foods you or your family ingest. If you feel you or your child experienced a reaction to soy products, try removing soy from the diet. If there is only a mild reaction, you can take an allergy test to be sure. I haven’t done so because I went into anaphylactic shock and I don’t need to risk that in the doctor’s office.

Gastrointestinal Discomforts

4. Some women who eat soy products may experience problems with bloating, constipation and nausea, as stated by the Right Health website. They may experience more severe gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, and vomiting.

Effects on Development of Infants

5. High levels of phytoestrogen, found in soy products, has also been linked to earlier development of adolescents and earlier puberty. Soy formula can cause zinc deficiency, which is important to the development of the nervous system. It also contains ten times the amount of aluminum than milk and has a toxic effect on the kidneys Many pediatricians feel that increased soy consumption in young girls has resulted in a higher frequency of early breast development and pubic hair growth in patients as young as eight years old.

Author's Bio: 

After developing a severe allergy to soy that nearly killed her, Dianne Gregg learned the truth behind this supposed health food. “The Hidden Dangers of Soy” is the culmination of her efforts to educate others on the issues in hopes more will avoid soy’s underreported—yet widely researched—negative health impacts. She has appeared on numerous radio shows and seen on CBS4 (Miami). Dianne has helped so many people feel more like themselves. They had no idea that the soy they were consuming was making them sick.

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