Often you will come across people complaining of sore throat, however, acid reflux is a different condition. You must have heard about the term heartburn which is often used interchangeably with acid reflux condition. It is typically a symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Patients suffering from GERD are prone to experience a multiplicity of symptoms that leave a considerable impact on the throat. Under many situations a sore throat can be the outcome of acid reflux condition and can signify esophageal damage to the patient’s throat.

Acid reflux is, as the name suggests, acid in the throat– which is the backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus. Due to chronic acid reflux the patient may suffer from throat soreness and it can further lead to conditions, such as:

• Esophagitis is a condition where irritation of the tissues lining the throat are caused by the potent nature of stomach and esophageal acids.
• The patient may feel the need to clear the throat repeatedly creating soreness and hoarseness.
• Patients suffering from Dysphagia, a condition where there is difficulty swallowing as a scar tissue forms in the esophageal lining from GERD.
• Due to severe coughing chances of sore throat and inflammation increases.

Sore throat treatment includes managing acid reflux. It is important to treat GERD where both over-the-counter and prescription medications work by eliminating, reducing, or neutralizing stomach acids. As the stomach acid is neutralized it decreases the rate of heartburn and it leads to reduction in sore throat.

Another condition affecting voice is Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). It is one of the more confounding and misinterpreted conditions related to the voice. When suffering from this condition the patient’s vocal cords and supporting structures are in good health but they are working too hard. Thus MTD is caused due to throat muscles being too tight and out of balance with the rest of the voice creation system.

Vocal Science offers a holistic approach towards accelerated vocal development. It allows singers to improve vocal clarity, projection, and pitch while learning how to sing in a way that protects their vocal anatomy for life. You can visit them for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Speech Development and Vocal Workshops. Helmed by Master Vocal Coach and Vocal Producer, Diana Yampolsky, The Royans Professional Vocal School, a division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair offers effective treatment to patients.

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Diana Royans, the owner of Vocal Science. For more information about Acid Reflux Throat visit our site http://www.vocalscience.com/.