It's all about stepping into the unknown. I know it sounds scary but that's where all our creativity comes from. Stepping into that which has not been experienced in your life before, that's the creative matrix that is actually helping you to step into and realize your potential.
Here I am trying to encourage you to do that which a different part of you, the most truthful part of you really wants to do. Though the left part of the brain with all of its judgements, fears and concerns wants you to prevent you from actualizing.

The answer is "Just say Yes". Well if you think about your life and you think about all the various things that have moved you forward, it has been because you said ''yes'' to an invitation, you said ''yes'' to an acting class, you said ''yes'' to a reading of something, you said ''yes'' to going to meet someone, you said ''yes'' to a vacation, well that's easy to say, but you get what i am saying. Say ''Yes'' more and spend less time in the ''No's'' about all the reasons why that cannot happen or it does not happen that way or it does not look like that and all the possible reasons why you cannot do it. Now, for you a ''no'' might be a ''yes''. I am not saying lets run across the street into traffic. I am not asking that, I am asking you to honour this part within you that knows.

Lets say I am going through a phase where I haven't been really social lately, so maybe for me, if someone asks me to do something, why not say “Yes”! Now if some of you party hard every night maybe if someone calls you and say “hey, lets go party!” maybe you are saying “no”, which is actually a “yes” to you, as there is a part of you that needs to find your private space or stop spending so much time being distracted by other stuff. This is all personal, but I want you to understand this viewpoint in relation to the things that you are trying to move through, in other words try to live more in the unknown. Makes sense?

So, this week just be aware of all the times you say "no". What is interesting is that there are so many different permutations of no, i think you are gonna be shocked! “No” is negativity, “no” is complaining, “no” is wining , ''no'' is like getting really angry about the tiniest little missteps that do not kind of go your way. There are so many permutations of ''no'' that you do not even realize it because they are just habituated.

“No” is already having the answer to something without waiting to have the experience that shows you something else. It is just like a hamster wheel, its doing you without you even realise it, so why not see if you can flip flop it, why cant you just say “Yes” to one of those things that you are patterned in a way to say no to.

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Achieving miracles !