Yes, there are some surprising benefits of fish oil that you might not even know about. The more studies conducted on it, the more amazing and unexpected results come about. You might be aware of some of the benefits, like lower inflammation, better cardiovascular health, etc. Below are some of the surprising benefits of fish oil that you might not have heard about before.

Depression and Anxiety

As shocking as it may seem, fish oil actually can make people happier. Studies have shown that itl can be a useful way to treat depression and anxiety in people. The Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are a promising method of treating anxiety, stress, depression, etc. It also seems to have mood stabilizing properties, which means it can help keep people from becoming sadder. There’s evidence that suggests that countries where certain fish are eaten regularly have a low incidence of depression. There is even a possibility that Omega-3 can lower the homicide and suicide rates! While there isn’t solid evidence yet, these are exciting findings, and there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to take advantage of these benefits.


Fish oil can benefit patients with some types of cancer. If you have a history of pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, or colon cancer in your family, it can help delay weight loss. In addition, it has been shown to kill cancerous cells and prevent the formation of new ones. While this is still a fairly new development, the possibility of fighting cancer is another of the many surprising benefits.

Pregnancy and Fertility

There is evidence that fish oil can raise the sperm count, and also help sperm resist the effects of lipid peroxidative attacks. This study was conducted on boars, but the possibility of improving fertility rates with it is interesting nonetheless. As far as pregnancy, one of the biggest fears a mother will have is that her baby might be born unhealthy. It can help with those odds by helping improve a child’s development while still in the womb. The DHA in Omega-3 is instrumental in good brain and eye development for children. Even more striking, pregnant women using it have been shown to run fewer risks of having premature births, miscarriages, or babies with low birth weights. These women also have a lower risk of depression, and can continue to support their baby’s health by taking fish oil while still nursing.

Type II Diabetes

Many people suffer from type II diabetes, and fish oil can help. Diabetics are more prone to coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke, and it has been proven to reduce the risks of these chronic problems. It helps break up clots and improves overall cardiovascular health. It also lowers triglycerides. The Omega-3 fats also help by lowering your LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream and raising HDL. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of these surprising benefits.

Author's Bio: 

Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great info about fish oil for losing weight and keeping it off visit