Hair loss could occur due to many of causes but most common out of all is the genetic reasons which are also termed as pattern baldness. Be it a female or a male, hair loss is common in both but on bit higher side in males. The hair loss could be temporary or permanent but when it is genetic it is always permanent. It is necessary for the permanent hair loss to be treated medically. On consult most of the doctors would advise you medications, PRP therapy or hair transplant.

Be it PRP therapy or hair transplant, Jaipur is the hub of astonishing clinics offering the hair loss treatment. There are few world class surgeons practising in Jaipur who have earned global fame in this field and are been rewarded for their contribution. Dr Suneet Soni is one such globally recognized and celebrated surgeon whose skills are been appreciated worldwide. He is a gifted surgeon with artistic excellence that makes him a unique surgeon and a perfect cosmetic or plastic surgeon.

Hair transplant cost in Jaipur has been affordable from the past few decades but the quality you achieve differs at every clinic. If you are seeking the best hair transplant in Jaipur, then you should see keenly the quality of the clinic which matters a lot when it comes to assuring the success of hair transplant.

Medispa hair transplant clinic in Jaipur is leading the Indian hair transplant industry be being one of the clinic with highest success rate. We are committed to deliver the best and genuine hair loss treatment. So book your consult now with us at Medispa hair transplant clinic.

Hair transplant process to recovery
Hair transplant procedure is performed by plucking the high quality permanent hair follicles from the donor area and then transplant these harvested hair follicles at the bald area. The process is performed under the local anaesthesia which is injected at the donor and the recipient site. The donor areas commonly used for the harvesting of hair grafts are back and sides of the head, chest, axilla, pubic or the beard area.

There are two techniques primarily to perform hair transplant that include FUT and FUE hair transplant that differs in the way of harvesting the hair follicles. Both the techniques offers good outcomes if they are chosen in the best case scenarios.

The recovery after hair transplant is fast and uneventful with almost invisible scarring by any technique chosen for the procedure. It would take around 7 – 10 days to recover completely. During the recovery and around a month you need to follow some instructions that would help you in achieving the best outcomes. But the procedure is completely hassle free and do not demand much of maintenance. So once the recovery is done and hair growth is completed which take around a year after the procedure you can treat your hair like the existing ones with styling, hair cut or anything.

Things to know while choosing the hair transplant clinic
While choosing hair transplant clinic you need to be quite cautious as you are surrounded with plenty of options and most of it could mislead you. So focus straight on the best and diligently do your research on finding one.

Pick a surgeon who is super specialized in plastic surgery as they have the expertise of focusing on the small details and deliver aesthetic results. But do check whether the surgeon has a certification to perform the hair transplant or not. Do check the experience of the surgeon which should be accounted with respect to the numbers of cases performed by the surgeon. Don’t forget to check previous patient’s before and after for hair transplant.

Apart from the credentials of the surgeon, it is also important to know what the associated clinic is providing. The clinic should have hygienic environment with a separate operatory to perform the procedure. The clinic should be using latest cutting edge technology, high quality armamentarium and should have an experienced and fixed team.

You can probably go for a single surgeon owned clinic who is reputed as this assures you that the previous results shown to you are the ones that is performed by the same surgeon as in multi-specialty clinic it becomes dicey as there are many surgeons replaced over the years.

Author's Bio: 

I am health blogger love to write the content on hairloss etc