Article Title: Thinking for a Change (from "Inspirational Books" - Updated)
Submitted by: Craig Lock (as adapted from Dr John Maxwell)
Line Space: 65 characters
Category (key words): Success, Self Help, Personal Growth, Mind, Thought
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

Publishing Guidelines: We hope that the following piece may be
thought-provoking, interesting, informative and helpful* to
your e-zine readers, or on your web site.
* enough adjectives there, Craig?
This article (as with all my articles) may be freely reproduced, electronically or in print. If they help others "out there" on the pathway to success and more importantly, joyful living, then we're very happy.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."

(Adapted from Dr John Maxwell)

"Within you right now is the power to do things you never
dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just
as soon as you can change your beliefs."
- Maxwell Maltz

The vital importance of managing (controlling) ones thoughts, as well as maintaining a positive attitude on the stair-case to success...
in business and in the journey of life.

Our THOUGHTS determine our FEELINGS (emotions).
Our EMOTIONS determine our MINDSET: whether positive or negative.
Our MINDSET* (or state of mind) determines our ATTITUDE to life.
* - though not "set in concrete" - it CAN be changed

Our ATTITUDE determines the way we VIEW the world - hopefully with HOPE and FAITH.
Our MINDSET AND ATTITUDES determine the ACTIONS we DECIDE to take to move our lives ahead, ie. to reach our goals, desires and aspirations.
The ACTIONS we DECIDE to take usually determine our results (or OUTCOMES)... and

Our OUTCOMES determine the life we will lead... and
the LEGACY we leave on this planet.

Our thoughts influence our reality and our PERCEPTION of reality
(otherwise known as the concept of 'manifestation').
Our thoughts are usually a reflection of our beliefs and
attitudes. So if we want to change our reality, then we have to
change these beliefs and attitudes that shape our thoughts.
Let's look at how this process works in some more detail...

1. Changing your THINKING changes your BELIEF system.
This is a critical point that shapes your reality. It is important to remember that negative thoughts are
usually not the truth and are just beliefs held. A person with low self esteem may hold limiting beliefs, such as "I'm not valued by others", or "I feel worthless, unloved", etc). However, if these limiting thoughts persist, they WILL then lead to it becoming a self fulfilling prophecy in a person's life... and thus a barrier to our experiencing feelings of self worth, love and so on. The cycle repeats itself. So NEVER forget, YOU ARE worthy, a unique person, a 'child of God' with special gifts and talents to share with others.

2. Changing our belief system changes our EXPECTATIONS.
Put positive expectations into action. EXPECT favourable outcomes - expect something good to happen to you...and take ACTION accordingly...
thinking always positive outcomes to your endeavours, ie. success.

3. Changing our expectations changes our ATTITUDE.
Focussed thinking allows you to pursue excellence in your life.
People who are successful do the right things, BEFORE they feel good.

4. Changing your attitude changes your BEHAVIOUR: "Feel right, then DO right"
- with positive expectancy. EXPECT good results - good things to happen to you.

5. Changing our behaviour changes our PERFORMANCE. Be the best you can be with excellence...and most importantly, with utmost integrity.
6. Changing your performance changes your LIFE.
Sow excellent seeds to reap an excellent life and
don't it too seriously. Enjoy.




Have FUN as you learn and grow down the journey of life
(as I've done researching and writing this piece).

Author Brian Tracy (or was it Norman Vincent Peale, the author of positive thinking?)
reminds us that "you are not what you think you
are, but WHAT YOU THINK, YOU ARE." Think big. Dream big. Pray big...
and look for big results. It all begins with changing the size of your


Saint Paul once said these words: "Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you. For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, a Spirit of love and a Spirit of self discipline." You ALL have within you the spark of God, as well as the unique gifts that your Maker has given you. Fuel that small flame with Love and goodness, and let the light of your uniqueness shine brightly on the world.

Don't wait till you have all the skills. Take that first step in faith and the next step will fall into place naturally. Because that is the way God, the Universe works!

You too can discover the power of God, the Creator of the universe in a new, dramatic powerful way. When you THINK RIGHT, when you focus your mind on your desired goal (or preferably goals), when you focus your mind on the spark that God has given to you and you allow the spirit of God's power to enflame that spark, and fuel the embers with love, you WILL discover that there's nothing you can't do with God. Absolutely nothing is impossible to you and God working in unison!

NOTES (based on my studies and research, as well as the great discussions on the workings of the human mind with Dr Andrew Eastcott - a "spark of inspiration" from the seed of Dr John Maxwell's work):

KNOW what you want to do

Aim for clarity, clarity, clarity in your "tinking".

When I create clarity I set out with an intention. When I move
that intention forward each day I create momentum. Every small
action I take each day over a sustained period just builds up,
like a giant ball of snow rolling down a mountainside.

Action is primary (it comes before anything and determines everything else) in that action can change our emotions - it can be "called upon" when required; however it takes TIME to effect a change in one's thought patterns. It's a physical change to "wholeness". ACTION is the only way to change negative thoughts. Just DO...something, anything! Change your thoughts into ACTION (you are not directly changing feelings).

The Power of Thought Energy:

Thoughts are electrical in nature (working like vibration!); whilst feelings are chemical - it just takes TIME to change a feeling from negative to positive. Time is the medium in which the process of change in thinking is fashioned. Everything begins with DECISION. Make the right decisions, then manage them.
ACTION focusses the human mind on DOING, rather than on an existing state of darkness (negativity).

1. Why MUST life be fair and perfect for you?
- there is no excuse for making excuses!
- Become the self author of your authentic self!

From Andy's Whacky Witticisms
Dr Andy Eastcott, Gisborne, Eastland, New Zealand
14th November 04

Manage your thoughts daily...and you manage your LIFE.

Let your bright light shine on the world through your thinking.
It's YOUR time to shine...
to celebrate all that's best and brightest in your life.

Live, love and be happy

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions NZ)

"Man is mind
and evermore he takes the tool of thought...
and shaping what he wills,
brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.
He thinks in secret
and it comes to pass -
environment is but his looking glass."
- author unknown

(Thanks so much for sharing with me, dad!)

"Inspirational Books" by Craig are available at: and

"Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let's encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world."

P.S: Don't worry about the world ending today... it's already
tomorrow in "little" scenic and tranquil New Zealand


Author's Bio: 

"Inspirational Books" by Craig are available at: and

"Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let's encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world."