If chaos reigns in your house and you find yourself forever in a disorganized state, it may be time to have a declutter day. Here are the top reasons why you shouldn’t put off your declutter day any longer. They are not even little telltale signs. They are signs that a major problem is afoot and that you had better do something about it.

Here are some signs that you need to have a special tidy up day.

Can’t find it

Can you relate to this one? You are about to go out and you just need to find that shopping list where you wrote down all the things that you were going to buy. The problem is that you can’t find your shopping list. It’s too bad because you are late for your appointment, so you had forget about that list.

I can’t find my favorite Tshirt you hear your child say. Looks like this decluttering problem is catching amongst other family members. If you frequently have problems locating any items in your home, it’s time to do a spot of cleaning up.

Emotional Stress

The emotional stress of living in a chaotic state can get you down and increase your stress levels more than you had anticipated. If you live in a perpetual mess, eliminate a known cause of stress from your life and start to make plans to organize your home. It’s better to tidy up your home then to feel tired all the time from living in a cluttered home.

They’re not visiting are they?

Being disorganized can lead to becoming a tad anti social. You don’t feel like inviting visitors over to your home because the living areas are strewn with all sorts of objects. It’s highly embarrassing to have someone walk into your living room and see it in its natural state.

It’s Contagious

The children treat the house like a dumping ground and show off their latest toys around the house by throwing them around the living room. They used to be neat and organized, but since you started your day job, you haven’t had time to tidy up after them.

Don’t open the Closet

Your closets are full of clothes that you never wear and you have trouble finding the ones that you wear regularly. The problem is that you have too many clothing items and need to throw some away.


Running the vacuum cleaner through the house as a quick fix doesn’t seem to help anymore. It’s sometimes hard to find the carpets under all that junk. It’s also hard to have a smooth run with the vacuum cleaner when there are constant obstacles in your path.

Maybe I have overestimated the clutter problem that you have. But you don’t want to get to this stage of a clutter problem. Take action today and have a declutter day. You will be more than happy with your efforts when you have a clean and organized home. It’s time to invite friends over again and enjoy your living space.

Author's Bio: 

DEBRA CARLTON is a declutter and organizational enthusiast. For more useful clutter tips and information on preparing for your big declutter day visit http://www.declutterdaytips.com.