Alcohol rehabilitation centers offer medical attention and care to the patients who have had bad past of drug abuse or alcohol abuse. People who want to recover from these miseries and lead a healthy life all over again should get in touch with one of such rehabilitation centers. There are different rehabilitation programs and types of rehabilitation centers that one can choose from as per severity of abuse and subsequent need. As per individual case the patient may opt for any of the following type alcohol rehabilitation programs in any of the rehabilitation centers.

Residential treatment centers: This type of rehabilitation centers provide in-house care and therapy sessions to the patient. Most of the time only the severe cases of alcohol abuse opt to go for residential or inpatient treatment centers. These centers provide dedicated and 24hrs medical care and attention to its patients. They observe the progress or decline in the health of the patient and change the therapy accordingly. Usually, the patient spends a reasonable amount of days or months in such centers till he recuperates and is ready to face the world being a changed person.

Outpatient treatment centers: These types of rehabilitation centers are flexible for people who are preoccupied but still want to get rid of their bad habit and addictions. As per convenience they can visit such centers and get required consultation and treatment.

Luxury treatment centers: These centers also provide inpatient treatment options and as the name would suggest the accommodations provided are for the comfort of the patient. The rich and those who can afford choose such centers located at breath taking natural locales for treatment where they are provided chef prepared cuisine and five star comforts.

Holistic treatment centers: This type of center aims at enriching body, mind and soul of the patients through meditation, yoga and other such practices. This makes the patient strong both from inside and outside, gives mental peace and strength to come out of the situation stronger.
Women’s treatment centers: These type of rehabilitation centers are exclusively for women patients. Core issues like self image problem, pressure associated with the situation that a woman is going through are addressed to at such centers. This helps them analyze their life and rebuild it with greater confidence.

Teen and adolescent treatment centers: This type of treatment centers are designed for teen agers and adults suffering from alcohol addiction. Emphasis is given on family therapy and issues that affect the life of young person the most. Some centers even have the option for education so that the teen agers at the centers don’t lag behind in terms of studies. It helps them keep pace with their education while also going through the treatment.
There are different types of rehabilitation centers that cater to individual case and requirement. As much care is taken to see that patient is comfortable in the new setting and recovers well.

Author's Bio: 

I have been working in rehabilitation centers in USA for last 7 years. Each of them employs a different alcohol rehab process depending upon the age, gender and severity of addiction. There are various types of rehabilitation center to treat different addictions.