Speed-reading is well known as a method of improving the vocabulary and understanding on any subject. Other than just reading fast, it enables readers to understand and grasp the reading material in less time than other readers, which can be useful for every career. It is also known as a compilation of reading techniques that allows you to double your reading speed.
Introducing speed-reading methods can be most beneficial to children, as it can also be used as a long-term career. People often think that it is easier to coach children to read quickly than adults are, as children can learn quickly with the help of their fresh minds. According to a recent research, it is found that both children and adults similarly can learn new reading techniques to improve their reading skills and though process in a better way.
People have many misconceptions related to speed reading techniques. Here are some of the mistakes that most of the readers make:
Purposeless Reading: It is very important to have a purpose for reading, as enables readers to read faster. In other words, if you do not have a specific purpose to read, then your reading speed and comprehension skills will be hampered.
Reading Late at Night: Most of the people generally think that reading at night can be very helpful to increase the reading speed; one can concentrate better at night. However, in reality, it is a least effective method for some people.
Repetitive Reading Helps: It is one of the common myths about reading that repetitive reading of any material can add values to speed reading strategies, which is not true. It is called as regression, and hurts your reading speed as well as makes it uninteresting.
Read with the Help of Marker: One of the least effective ways speed reading techniques is highlighting your reading and studying. It develops confusion in reader’s mind, when the material is read next time. On the other hand, some people find it efficient, but it is better to reduce the use of marker.
Reading without time boundary: Providing yourself unlimited time for reading can reduce the performance of reading as well as the comprehension, so its always better to give yourself a limited time boundary to have a habit to read efficiently and in less time.
The above-mentioned measures can educate speed-reading aspirants about the unproductive tasks related to reading, which can be very helpful to build a strong foundation in their career.

Author's Bio: 

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at http://www.studycram.com/ to know more about read faster, speed reading strategiesandspeed reading techniques
