With the social media giant Facebook threatening to overtake Google, itself, most veteran businesses are starkly aware of the powers of social media marketing to expand the reach of their products and services. At the beginning of the New Year, a metric from Nielsen shows Facebook securely in ... Views: 874
One of the biggest problems Americans face is obesity. In fact, latest estimates confirm that over 35% of us are seriously overweight; the numbers have been this high for more than a decade as of 2011. When you consider all that the top diseases and killers of people are largely ... Views: 1041
The problem with article marketing for competitive keywords, which Type II Diabetes is sure to be, is that you’ve got to compete with the big dogs; companies or people who can hire others to write articles and pay them for it. You simply don’t have that kind of capital (yet). For article ... Views: 758
Anybody who has been struggling to build a website and get it ranked for a year or more realizes at least two things: in order to get your message the masses, writing posts to your blog isn’t nearly enough and article marketing for competitive keywords can be a frustrating prospect. As a case ... Views: 798
Now that you've set up the endowment fund to ensure the future of the summer home you've bought for your offspring (or yourself, for that matter), other somewhat uncomfortable questions remain. Among them: Are your kids responsible enough to make sure everything stays in order? Are they much too ... Views: 899
The things for which credit card companies charge us can be legion, above and beyond balance transfer and interest, which would be sidestepped with some forethought. One approach is to know what to look for; then choose the credit company that seems to be on the level. The following short ... Views: 1100