List making comes naturally to some people. I, for example, learned about lists as a child by writing out grocery lists for my mom. She would walk around the kitchen checking to see what we needed and call out things for me to write on the list. My job was to spell it out as I wrote it, or ... Views: 1140
What does happiness mean to you? There’s a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of “being happy” --where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is.
But I’d like to share a little secret with you -- happiness is not for the lucky few who were born ... Views: 1166
One evening last summer, as the temperatures soared in Arizona, I noticed that my plants were suffering. Wilted, laying over in frustration, drained from a day of work in the hot sun they were very unhappy and stressed plants.
Of course I went out immediately, gave them a cool shower, and ... Views: 1156
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Life Vitamins - by Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
Everybody needs a way to stay healthy in their life, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. In that vein, most of us know that a good way to help stay physically healthier is to take a vitamin every day.
But did you know that a great way to help you stay emotionally and ... Views: 1090
Lie #7: The Devil wants you to believe that he’s stronger than God. I heard a lady say one time that she wouldn’t pray out loud because she was afraid that the devil would intercept her prayer before it got to God. That’s giving the devil more power than God, and that’s a mistake.
Lie #6: ... Views: 5896
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No Title - by Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
As complicated as we all try to make it out to be, successful results depend on just three things: Small steps, focused energy, and consistent action. Permit me to share a real life story with you about this.
Almost a year ago, my husband and I went to a baseball game with a couple from his ... Views: 1277
Most of us know the feeling of dieting for a week or so, and then stepping on the scale and seeing a pound or two gone. It gives you a feeling of “it was worth it”, doesn’t it?
Success, change, goal-setting -- they CANNOT be achieved without effort.
As one author noted, “God provides ample ... Views: 1448
Imagine you’re standing in line at the grocery store, and a person behind you asks if they can go ahead of you. “Sure”, you say. Then person after person asks if they can go first, and time and time again, you let them, even though it’s now become a problem for you.
Making things happen in ... Views: 1379
How long did it take you to realize the benefits of removing a splinter right away from your finger? As a child, removing that splinter seemed like an awful thing to do, but experience FINALLY taught us that if we leave it alone, it will only get infected, get worse, and be a whole lot harder ... Views: 1403
It’s the Holiday Season --A new year is upon us! I’ll bet you’re already thinking about how you’d like next year to be a little different than the last, right? (yes, I see hands raising!)
But instead of thinking of performance, and efficiency, and control, I’d like you to take this ...It’s ... Views: 1508
Feeling good about your life involves just 2 parts. Really! One is to learn to think about yourself in healthy ways. This is a learned skill, ladies and gentlemen, not something that a lucky few were born with.
Some of us were taught as children how to create self esteem and self ... Views: 6575