If you're getting a little older then I sympathise. I am too, I'm due to hit 56 this year. And just like most other people I faced the same issues with weight, fitness and interests as many others. Fortunately I found a solution to all 3.
It was when I hit 50 that, perhaps because of that ... Views: 1018
There is a growing movement attempting to publicise the fact that many of the personal products we use every day such as cosmetics, skin care products, soaps and shampoos and more contain chemical ingredients which may well damage your health.
And as a result of this the purchasing public are ... Views: 1011
You're getting older, and there's nothing you can do about it, and you hate it. Apart from anything else you're starting to get wrinkles.
Of course everyone gets wrinkles as they get older don't they? Well not necessarily.
Of course there's things you can do about it. Eating a healthy diet ... Views: 1269
There is now very little doubt about the health benefits of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. The body of evidence supporting the conclusion that increasing our intake of the Omega 3 fats has to be good for us is growing steadily.
And for that reason sales of fish oil supplements ... Views: 1424
One of the most powerful movements in today's society is the recognition that we are all individually responsible for our own health. In today's climate of increasing rates of lifestyle disease many people are making personal decisions to improve their own health.
There's many things you can ... Views: 1150