Farming is one of the top three occupations that are very dangerous to the health, not only due to the use of heavy machinery in terrible weather conditions, but also because of the high risk of acquiring work-related or occupational diseases. Farming is next to mining and construction in having ... Views: 8219
Often caregivers need a little extra support when taking care of loved ones, and just having a bit of time off during the week can make all the difference. One of the best choices for temporary care is to use an adult day care facility, which caters for seniors and adults with disabilities or ... Views: 1323
Pronation of the foot is the rolling motion it goes through when in contact with the ground. Normal pronation involves the inward rolling of the foot during walking, running or jogging and it helps to ensure that the weight of the body is evenly distributed and the forces generated are dealt ... Views: 3867
An overpronator is a person who overpronates, meaning that when walking or running their feet tend to roll inwards to an excessive degree. Overpronation involves excessive flattening of the arches of the feet, with the roll seeing the push off take place from the inside edge of the foot and the ... Views: 2420
The use of therapeutic orthotic insoles can have a major influence on the health of your body. Did you know that at least seventy percent of people suffer from a foot condition which impairs the normal function of the body? Overpronation – or excessive pronation of the foot affects almost three ... Views: 8466
Fallen arches are also known as flat feet (pes planus), which is a condition in which the foot does not have the normal arch found in the inner portion of the foot. Normally, tight bands of tendons are attached at the heel and foot bone. They pull together along with tendons of the leg to form ... Views: 1597
Damage to any of the complex parts of your foot may lead to side of foot pain that leaves you unable to walk. Bones and muscles of the foot are responsible for functions such as dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion, abduction and adduction. This part of the body is primarily ... Views: 2620
Stress fracture foot problems occur because of overuse of the body part. They usually are caused by a mechanical fault in the muscles around a bone leading to transferring of the tension to the bones themselves. When muscles are overworked, they become less adapted to stress. Bones in turn, ... Views: 883
Learning to harmonize your body begins with small steps, such as finding ways to relieve your top of foot pain. There may be multiple causes of this condition which ultimately impacts your every step. Are you one of the many who experience dull aches and pains throughout your body? If you trace ... Views: 1229
The name is pretty odd, isn’t it? To name a foot condition after the person that sews your clothes… Actually, it is not as weird as it may seem. The name of tailor’s bunions dates centuries back when tailors used to sit cross-legged all day mending clothes. In this position, their feet would rub ... Views: 3007
Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the connective tissue (called the plantar fascia) located at the dorsal aspect (sole) of the foot. Plantar fasciitis symptoms are usually felt due to the inflammation of the connective tissue. The plantar fascia is a fibrous connective tissue that extends ... Views: 1066
Definition of the Condition
Put simply, sesamoiditis is an inflammation of the sesamoid bones. These tiny bones are embedded within a tendon, and are not joined to other bones by joints, making them somewhat unique. They are to be found in the knee, wrists, elbows and the feet.
The foot ... Views: 1963
There are many different causes of corns on feet. This condition may affect different parts of the foot. In chronic cases, it may actually weaken the leg and cause back pains due to imbalanced posture and mechanics of the foot. This part of the body is solely responsible for absorbing shock and ... Views: 2699
If you are one of the many individuals who suffer from recurrent inflammation of your feet, or if you frequently get heel pain, you may benefit from an effective heel pain treatment. When you experience sharp pains in your feet, or have dull and annoying aches, there is just no other option than ... Views: 2449