We put our soul trusting in the love in the hands of other people. But no one out there can give us, what we really need. That what we are looking for, we can only find in ourselves. With the decision to love yourself, the most exciting journey of your life starts!
I can confirm this from my ... Views: 1189
The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret teaches how you can have, be and do whatever you want in life. So why focus on money?
Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is the meaning we give it. However, there is an urgent need for teaching the laws of creating money to the ... Views: 1353
What are social skills and social intelligence?
Social competence is a significant aspect of emotional intelligence. This term refers primarily to the ability of interpersonal relationships, whether it be verbal or nonverbal, constructive, and make all parties satisfactory. The foundation of ... Views: 1944
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Motivation - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
It is best to ask, what does motivate you basically. Think and look into activities or things that make you happy. There's definitely something into which you put all your energy. It does not need to be a professional matter that inspires you. What comes spontaneously to your mind with this ... Views: 1158
18. The ability to distinguish between important and unimportant things: Sure there are situations where tiny details can be of an immense importance, such as mountain climbing, where the slightest inattention can have fatal consequences. Usually, however, it is important in life, to direct the ... Views: 1247
13. The strength to maintain your independence: Independent acting for most tasks in life is a prerequisite. If the ability to develop this fails, success at school and later professional success may be at high risk. Even in teamwork independent work and thinking is expected. People with ... Views: 1078
7. The ability to finish work in progress as well: People with success orientation are not "drop-outs", things that have been started are mostly done by them till the end. The fear of the "Next", which leaves many people procrastinating them is largely unknown. They will find always a new and ... Views: 1256
1. The ability to be able to motivate yourself: What is meant here is the will to succeed. There are basically two categories of motivation: the inner and the outer. To include external factors such as recognition or material incentives. However, this makes the necessary actions dependent on ... Views: 1516
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To reduce stress - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
Only those who manage to bring structures into his/her everyday life, are thereby reducing negative stress, which is otherwise inevitable.
No structures or chaos bring long term trouble with other family members and also attract disease by itself. Such missing structures lead to lack of ... Views: 1167
How can we offer these children a happy and healthy childhood?
Children can learn from responsible adults to take responsibility for their own behaviour. They do not benefit from being blamed for the trauma and stress that result from not being accepted as they are. They need support and not ... Views: 1345
They are children with new psychological features and thus show new behaviour patterns. To ignore these new patterns, means that this precious life will be damaged and thus only frustrations can arise.
Here are some common patterns of Indigo children:
1. They join us with a sense of their ... Views: 1451
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Indigo Children - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
“All you need is Love!” ~ The Beatles
Yes, the children of tomorrow are here and they have come to support us! They are referred to as Crystal children, Indigo children or Light children. But who are these young people more and more of whom came in the last 10 years?
I will give you the ... Views: 2820
We are eternally existing, free and creative consciousness. Everything is energy and interconnected, so we are also connected to our entire solar system. Each of us is part of the comprehensive creation consciousness. Pantheism is the alternative to the image of God of the churches. I would urge ... Views: 2920
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Time of Love - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
On 6 June 2012 the last intense event occurred when Venus - Earth and the sun are in one line. This will influence our paradigm (blockages) resolution immensely. Do not hold on to established partnerships which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. It's no longer about finding the soul ... Views: 1212
"Deeds of love bring peace into your life and the world." ~ Dr. Lee Jampolsky
Venus is with an average solar distance of 108 million km the second inner planet and with a diameter of 12,100 km the third smallest planet in the solar system. It is one of the four terrestrial planets, which are ... Views: 1278
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Gaia needs us! - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
"You are never alone. You are loved from the heart. "Kyron
The Gaia hypothesis was developed by microbiologist Lynn Margulis and the chemist, biophysicist and physician James Lovelock in the mid-1960s. It says that the earth and its entire biosphere can be considered as a living being, in ... Views: 1167
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Release - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
An important aspect in our current life is to live on a minimum basis. We really need the least of what we get offered.
Only those who can create space get new energy, in whatever form. We often want this or that, and see no way to get it. Why not? The reason is that our inside and outside is ... Views: 1214
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Compassion - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
This weekend, practice the big “C” (Compassion) starting with yourself! When we chill out and take it easy on ourselves we can take it easy on each other and they, in turn, will respond in kind! The New Moon in Aquarius on Saturday offers us the opportunity to untangle and taking it all so ... Views: 1261
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Law of Attraction - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
It's getting better all the time! This is the time to lighten up, break a smile and face the future! Use the Law of Attraction!
The next two weeks will be full of changes like a flowing river. Do not resist the changes and always remember that if one door closes and you let it close, another ... Views: 1061
What we love and appreciate in relationships, love and money are our values, our sense of self worth. It is not what we get from other people. We are asked for intense transformation which only can be done within ourselves. Detach from the outside world and get in touch with your soul!
We are ... Views: 1095
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End of Patriarchy - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
The topic right now is business and duty!
In this content it is more important to leave the me, me, mine behind you! That means to check which way you receive your personal fulfillment. Is it from your outside or your inside. True fulfillment can only be gained from the inside. Belongings ... Views: 1346
The Changes we are facing during the next 3 to 4 years are on a mastery level.
Be the change you want to see and always be kind to yourself!
People feel the disorientation. A lot of things are happening in an always shorter period of time. There is instability which confuses a lot of ... Views: 1257
The end of the this year, like the end of an old paradigm, brings with it a time of deep contemplation. What worked, what didn't, and why? The future is born out of the past with a dash of what we add in the moment. May each moment and every decision bring you closer to knowing Love.
This is ... Views: 1113
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New Beginning - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Success and Business Coach
The new beginning started with the New Moon on the 13th, December. And the 21st brought us to the new cycle of 26.000 years, the 5th dimension.
And it certainly is not the end as humans have always survived. This is the time of the truth as a natural law. Just observe what is going on. Big ... Views: 1206
"For all of us the time has come to liberate us from fear that has kept us away from joy, creativity, peace and courage to be honest. It's time to do something inspiring to live the meaning of our lives." ~ Joseph Bailey
The 21st of December 2012 when the Mayan Calendar ends, is very near. ... Views: 1168
“This is a wonderful time to be alive. There have never been more possibilities and opportunities for you to achieve more of your goals than exist today. As perhaps never before in human history, you are actually drowning in options. In fact, there are so many good things that you can do, that ... Views: 1324
Last week the dices were thrown and this week is time to see the results, understanding the "why's" and wherefore's, and putting the pieces back in a more meaningful manner.
This is the time of building bridges, of uniting and understanding, what the bleep is going on. Realize the changes in ... Views: 1347
This coming week there are big changes coming. We will be confronted with all the dark stuff inside. It is time to look at your shadows and identify them. Look at your inner child and take it by the hand.
If you do not look at your shadows and decide to ignore them, be careful what comes ... Views: 1398
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Good to know - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
I want to share this information with you. Please share it!
Good to know:
- Stinging nettle as a natural spray for the garden.
- Suns cream is harmful to the skin - skin can be adapted without any cream in the sun, carrots support skin.
- Produce natural detergents with Buckeyes ... Views: 1435
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Self-awareness - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
This is a good mantra to remember this week as it may be very tempting to say things you will regret later.
This is the perfect Mantra for this week:
"When I learn to change from the inside out
I no longer need to scream and shout,
At other people to get my way,
I just tip my hat and ... Views: 1338
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Shine Bright - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
Often for many, fear and trepidation are provoked by what dwells in the unknown space of darkness. It is as if there is something waiting to swallow us up and reshape us into something, hopefully not ugly...
Oh, how we avoid what is often so rewarding, what is so essential, and what is ... Views: 1358
The challenge could actually be to manifest as being torn between having fun and having too much work! Your consciousness wants to go out and jump but your sub- consciousness might just say "Not until you get ALL your work done!" Hence the mantra is about finding the balance.
Will you find ... Views: 1749
There are more and more indicatives that we are in the major shift of consciousness!
Look around you and you notice that the old structures are dissolving. It is 5 minutes to 12 and we are called to be active.
Within the next 18 months you should Walk your Talk. Make it happen and your ... Views: 1476
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Free Yourself - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
“ When I play with the day I see it as the only way, to find what is uniquely me, and bring it out for the world to see."
This new Moon in Leo on Friday will hopefully bring out the lion cub in all of us that likes to romp and play in abandoned joy. Letting go of the stress and tension from ... Views: 1290
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Change to Heal - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
Today comes the Mantra first
"In the deep dark passages of the night, I find my way into the light. For in those places my faults are revealed, and in finding their value I am truly healed."
The mantra is not kidding that you may visit some dark realms of anger and frustration this ... Views: 1199
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Time to create - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
"The stars once spoke to man, it is world destiny that they are silent now, but in their silence there grows and ripens what man speaks to the stars!" ~ Rudolf Steiner.
While I feel that the stars are at least still whispering, this quote from Rudolf Steiner catches the feeling of the full ... Views: 1917
It is time to reflect, reorganize, re-balance, reconsider …. in a time of increasing pressure.
The speed of things happening in your life and surrounding is increasing. Now is the time to look back, review contracts etc. Are your contracts and commitments in the flow or are they holding you ... Views: 1965
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You Are Unique - by Angela Schulz-Henke, Successcoach4you
There is so much going on. Next week we can look at the far reaching changes indicated for the time coming. For now, suffice it to say that it may be time to put the iphone down, turn off the chatter and listen inwardly for some REAL guidance in making tough choices.
Most people still believe ... Views: 1341
Rituals strengthen our habits. This is not an option in 2012. It is important that we change ourselves and expand our consciousness. Therefore, we should break with the rituals that make no sense. Scour your rituals and see what you can change instantly. There are many rituals that you have set ... Views: 1622
With the new astrological constellation we are now in the phase of Action, Action and Action. Our head moves a thousand times faster than our feelings. Please cool down and breathe in consciously.
We have a lot more sun flares and energy from the deep space. The galaxy and our sun are ... Views: 1431
This week is all about commitment, contracts and relationships:
- Be aware which commitments you have to fulfill and do it with love!
- Check your contracts and see which ones are right for you. What is not right, just release them!
- Check your relationships carefully. Which people are ... Views: 1524
Everybody needs to be ready to face and investigate the paradox that we are separate and yet One! We are both masculine and feminine while being either a man or a woman. We are even both mortal and immortal. This list may go on and on this month as we collectively absorb a new reality of union ... Views: 1481
With every breath, I start a new life. In the darkness I find the light! ~ Tom Lescher
It is really true that you can change your life with each new breath. Because You can change your thoughts and your feelings intentionally.
Even if you are in the sadness, depression or burnout, you can ... Views: 1533
Let life be your teacher, because that is the only way you can spread your wings. If you can fly you will succeed in everything.
In this state we are only when we let go of our limiting attitudes and thought patterns. As long as our life is run by limiting thought patterns, we find ourselves ... Views: 1987
"As I humbly serve the spirit of humanity, my personal needs are met."
Looking at the world which surrounds us, we can realize that the Ego is destroying our living conditions. The earth will survive without the species of human beings.
We surely need the living conditions of this planet to ... Views: 1234
Why is that so important? And why is it so difficult?
Most of us had good role models concerning control. Parents control their children and more of them even ignore them on the other side? You might ask “What is worse?”
You might even control your spouse and your co-workers. Just think ... Views: 1441
However, you can easily change the response to the event - until you get the desired result.
You can change your thoughts, communications, and thus the image you have of things. You can also change your behavior by altering your thoughts positive in order to change your feelings and actions. ... Views: 1492
"You must take personal responsibility. You can notice the circumstances, the seasons nor the wind does change, only you yourself can change "~ Jim Rohn
The most widespread myth in modern times is that we firmly believe that we have a right to a great life - that somehow, somewhere, someone ... Views: 4716
Vocation is your life purpose and the intention with which you incarnated. Everyone has a life plan, which it is implemented in this life. To find your purpose and to live your purpose, write down everything that makes your eyes sparkle.
Write down everything you can think of ... Views: 1377