Have you ever felt that you weren’t good enough? Smart enough? Pretty enough? Worth it?
Maybe you were told these things directly, or you interpreted an innocent comment in a negative way. However these thoughts and beliefs got into your head is irrelevant. They are there and their negative ... Views: 1037
Happiness is a choice. It doesn’t come from having more money, more stuff or from other people. It comes from inside you. From focusing on things you want, being grateful for what you already have and choosing peace instead of needing to always be right. Happy people live fulfilling, inspiring ... Views: 1098
By nature, people are impatient. Our modern technology and conveniences have just made us want what we want, yesterday! On one had, our impatience is a good thing. It means we believe that what we want is attainable and doable. On the other hand, it can make us question whether we’re on the ... Views: 1278
By now, you’ve heard it a dozen times that the way to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams is to get clear about what you want and then go for it. Easier said than done. That’s usually the cue for our inner Gremlins to creep inside our head and begin to trash talk us until all we want ... Views: 1806
Most people will tell you that their life is busy. They are constantly stressed out and they feel exhausted and drained at the end of the day. As our technology makes us more and more accessible, finding true peace and calmness in our lives becomes more like trying to find a steak at a Vegan ... Views: 868
Are you ready to kick things up a notch in your life? To finally live out your dreams and feel inspired? An exciting and passionate life is within your reach but in order to fully grasp it, there are a few things you need to know.
The thoughts you think and the words you use, have a direct ... Views: 1195
Remember when you didn’t have a care in the world? Sure it may have been way back when Reagan was President but there is a way to reclaim your happiness and live a life you love.
Here are 8 tips to help you live the good life.
1. Accept what is. Look at your reality and accept wherever ... Views: 1023
I teach hundreds of people about the Law of Attraction and how whatever we put our attention, energy and focus on is what we attract back into our lives. Whether it’s negative or positive. So why do tragic things happen to innocent people? According to the Law of Attraction is it because these ... Views: 1031
Another Mother’s Day has come and gone. Did you allow yourself to relax and enjoy having other people take care of you for a change? Or did you feel uncomfortable by all the attention and assume the role as head caregiver?
Many moms dream about having more “me” time but don’t really know what ... Views: 894
I adore my dog Scout. In fact, my husband, son and pretty much anyone who hasn’t been previously mauled by a dog is smitten with her. I don’t think I’m biased when I say that there is something very special about Scout. I believe she’s an old soul and has graced us with her presence to teach us ... Views: 900
“Solitude shows us what should be; society shows us what we are.”
-Robert Cecil
It’s safe to say that life is busy. Between parenting, working, keeping up with the house and the Kardashians, there always seems to be something to do. Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in every ... Views: 695
For one reason or another, many of us suffer from low self-esteem. Whether you were picked on in grade school for wearing glasses or you experienced some big rejections in your adult life, we all have something about ourselves that make us want to eat an entire box of Oreos.
Perhaps you were ... Views: 959
Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that challenged you to think bigger about your life?
Has fear ever gotten in your way of doing something that you really wanted?
Forcing you out of your comfort zone can leave your stomach doing more flips than an Olympic gymnast.
If ... Views: 800