It is good to observe how we burden ourselves unknowingly due to the habitual neurology. The fear of life and the fear of death arise due to living with that burden. It is possible to drop that burden and live with freedom. Deepening self-awareness and the non-conformist attitude help us in ... Views: 1796
By being able to understand and appreciate the truth of reincarnation, we move on to the vaster consciousness that helps us absorb hidden and unexpected truths. One such truth is the matter of Parallel Selves. Many case studies have come up.
The conventional mind-set of human beings is ... Views: 1848
Fraught with problems from many sides, millions of people are living with unhappiness. Books like “10 Steps to Happy Living” help a little but cannot bring about a radical change. Reflective people know that the robust solution lies elsewhere. It is a matter of shedding all the burden that ... Views: 1465
Life on this planet is influenced by many factors. Human beings are primarily driven by their habitual neurology but they remain unaware of how they are captured by it. A release from that neurology can move us a great deal towards living vibrantly.
Releasing oneself from the conventional ... Views: 1362
Known as the Sage of Arunachala, Ramana Maharishi lived in Tiruvannamalai, a town in southern India. His esoteric messages can take people to higher levels of consciousness making them sense a radical departure from the habitual neurology.
The Sanskrit word Maharishi refers to a ... Views: 1579
Contrary to some skeptics’ assessment, the near death experiences carry profound spiritual messages to humanity that can transform the individual and the collective. In this article, we see their implications to people who have different dispositions in life.
Smitten by a ... Views: 1896
Research on near death experiences (NDEs) have revealed many amazing aspects of our Deeper Self. Because people live oblivious of it, their personal life gets governed by the ego. This leads to mediocrity in life and to the self-importance that destroys harmony in oneself and others.
The ... Views: 1443
Debra Diamond has done a remarkable job of presenting some salient aspects of the Near Death Experience (NDE) through her book ‘Life After Near Death’. The book deals with a topic that is sorely needed today for transforming humanity from its shallow awareness to higher levels of ... Views: 1862
Many Masters have walked the earth from ancient days to the present. One such is J. Krishnamurti who gave his message to humanity in the last century through his talks in different countries. He has been regarded as one of the greatest spiritual teachers of all times. Free from ... Views: 1376
Human beings have a tendency to cling to comforting and satisfying conclusions rather than be bold enough to acknowledge the truth. This attitude thwarts the journey of discovery in any field and, especially, in the realm of spirituality. A good historical example of this may be called the ... Views: 1370
Pure spirituality is untouched by history and geographical location of people. Thus it is available to all humans irrespective of belief systems generated in history. The universality of pure spirituality beyond space and time is highlighted by many paranormal phenomena. Historicity is ... Views: 1339
Many methods of meditation are in practice. People choose one or a few of them and bring about some peace of mind. While this approach is helpful, it is good to discover what it means to be in a state of awareness in which the meditator is absent.
Life on this planet is hard – difficulties ... Views: 1397
The research on Near Death Experiences (NDEs) over the recent decades has brought in significant awareness regarding the afterlife. That leads us to ask a probing question regarding the preparedness to meet the afterlife. It is an exploration that can enrich our lives.
A lot about the ... Views: 1294
In general, there are three major responses to esoteric issues in the field of spirituality. They are represented by three groups: the believers, the skeptics and the explorers. It is good to be aware of the mental proclivities of these groups.
Life on this planet depends on the state of ... Views: 1580
It has been known for a long time that the human mind is a small subset of a vaster consciousness that is much superior in its awareness and perception. We get an inkling of it from some paranormal phenomena. Our minds usually circle within a limited zone of awareness. That leads to the ... Views: 1215
There is a lot of confusion and lack of care in the world today leading to human unhappiness. Though many explanations are given for that state of affairs, the messages from Near Death Experiences provide a gateway to radical transformation.
Human society has been in turmoil for thousands of ... Views: 3024
We all come to know about ourselves through our relationship – relationship with people, with other living beings and even with the inanimate things. Bringing in our self-awareness into this aspect of life, we can transform ourselves spiritually.
Human beings who have paid attention to the ... Views: 1729
People fall prey to conditioned responses unknowingly. As a result, their reactions to others become robotic. They can release themselves from this sad state of affairs through transcendence brought about by simple self-awareness towards inner freedom. That would lead to discovering natural ... Views: 1766
The Question
Some esoteric questions can set us on a journey of discovery in the direction of ‘Know thyself’. One of them is related to this matter of freeing ourselves from the impact of society that corrupts our awareness. Can we fulfill our worldly responsibilities and yet not get threaded ... Views: 1336
The essence in all beings is a spark of the Divine and so, it is the same in all. It is not identified with any nation, race or religion. Thus, it is anonymous, like a tree in a forest. The awareness of this fact brings in universal love in human beings.
The Ego-self and The True Self
We ... Views: 1761
The dissolution of the robotic response of the human brain is necessary to understand the hidden aspects of life and the afterlife. Such dissolution can be called the psychological death. It leads to wholesome and holistic living.
Ending of the ego can be considered as a matter of ... Views: 1584
It is good to explore the difference between exerting effort and applying oneself to something. The clarity that comes from that understanding can help us lead a peaceful life. One can then move on to sensing the deeper aspects of living on this planet.
We often feel elevated when we see a ... Views: 1475
The vibrant river waters are alive. A river in flood overflows the banks and forms pools of water which later get delinked from the river. The stagnant pool water slowly gathers all kinds of scum and forgets its onetime vibrancy. Is there a message?
We have all seen the dancing waters of a ... Views: 1345
When the learning process moves into the region of some paranormal phenomena, it helps us lead a life of order, dignity and love. It would also aid our passing on phenomenon - be it our own or of our dear ones - to be met with peace and insight.
Freedom from the Self-created Prison
People ... Views: 1487
As we grow up, life in this world becomes a complicated rigmarole. It needs simplicity in our approach to understand it. This is where the total inward resignation can help. It is a matter of deep relaxation without adopting any psychological posture.
Standing Alone
We see many ... Views: 2050
Listening to what lies behind the thought process can be quite helpful in understanding ourselves beyond the verbal explanations. Certain periods in our daily routine are conducive to that listening. It is good to pay attention to those times of inner silence.
The Conditioned Mind
True ... Views: 1823
Deep dreamless sleep can result from a mind that is quiet during the day. It cannot come through controlling the mind but only through self-awareness in which one functions as an affectionate bystander to oneself.
Looking In
Nocturnal dreaming is a natural process that we all go through. ... Views: 2187
Awareness of our relationship to the child can help our inner transformation as part of our soul-search. It would also ensure that the child grows in an atmosphere of love unsullied by the grownup’s emotional attachment and self-interest. All in all, it is a sacred involvement.
... Views: 1519
Paranormal phenomena like the near death experience and the out-of-body experience have brought to light the connectivity of all living beings and the feeling of oneness at their essence. Can we move towards that holistic awareness?
Among the many important messages from near death ... Views: 1720
Reflective people apply themselves to understanding the vagaries of life and it helps them move into deeper perspectives. Consequently, there is a sensing of the non-apparent aspects of life. They see that shocks in life have a message understanding which the shocks become unnecessary!
When ... Views: 1495
It has been known that some terminal patients report paranormal visions when they are close to passing away. A careful look at those reports can help us receive profound messages regarding what happens at the transition between life and the afterlife.
A lot has been published about the ... Views: 1683
The human mind has the tendency to be tethered to the past or future. In the process, it creates problems due to its anxiety and the like. Understanding the value of spontaneity helps us move into healthy psychology with its spiritual content.
The conventional neurology with which human ... Views: 1639
During our life on earth, we are offered many possibilities. Some of them are healthy and some unhealthy in regard to our moving towards a holistic life of inner peace, empathy and loving application. What can help us take the right course?
A great deal of our life is wasted by living on ... Views: 1511
The understanding of reincarnation leads to perspectives on many hidden issues of life so that our vision expands. As a result, the outlook on one’s life also expands helping us treat everyone and everything on earth with respect and dignity.
It is good to live one’s life on this earth ... Views: 1671
The transformational state is based on pure awareness in the ‘Now’; the future is taken care of by that holistic state of mind. In contrast, paths to preset goals sustain the ego through expected fulfillments; the ‘Now’ is relegated as a mere passage.
The conventional mindset in which human ... Views: 1577
Effortful movements towards spiritual transformation sustain the habitual neurology and so dissolution of the ego does not take place. What can help are the two factors of passivity and inward non-action which move us on to a different dimension of awareness.
Many people feel that they must ... Views: 1444
The feeling of sorrow, as different from sadness, can take us on to the beyond – the region of universal spirituality where man’s self-centered projections cannot thrive. Can we understand the beauty of that feeling and its deeply cleansing effects?
Generally, the words ‘sorrow’ and ... Views: 1368
A match stick puzzle can alert us to the point of waking up to new dimensions in our philosophic outlook. This is brought out by Gina Cerminara in her scholarly writing supported by Edgar Cayce’s readings on past lives of human beings.
There is a dimension of awareness outside the ... Views: 2119
Human beings don’t think much about their last hour before leaving this planet. If they care for it at all, they give in to some religious promises rather than rely on their own awareness and discovery. There is good scope here for reflections.
It is good to reflect on the last hour that ... Views: 1836
In the aftermath of quite a few near death experiences, the person gets cured of almost impossible medical conditions much to the amazement of the hospital staff. We look into some case studies and the possible inferences from them in this presentation.
There are many aspects of near death ... Views: 1761
Wanting to impress people with their assumed humility, human beings may take on a posture of freedom from their ego. This is pious egoism. Its tricky ways can keep us arrested in its deception. Those who wish to expand their spiritual vision understand this deceptive tendency in the human ... Views: 1624
It is always rewarding to go through an intelligent bunch of worldly advice. Here we see one such bunch. It is followed by a hilarious spoof of the same. Both seem to have an input for those who wish to lead a cheerful life governed by wisdom.
During the last century, a wise man wrote a ... Views: 2145
What happens to us in life is very much a reflection of our mental states. While a calm and collected approach to meeting the issues of life can quite often ease us through the problems, an agitated mental state is likely to complicate matters. It is good to understand the link between our ... Views: 1578
Paying attention to wise instructions with regard to practical matters is part of good living. In the area of spirituality, however, freeing oneself of all Dos and Don’ts is necessary in order that the ego is prevented from continuing its involvement.
When people become somewhat serious and ... Views: 1406
Messages from paranormal phenomena can take us into the realm of the unknown, the Beyond. To receive the messages, one must listen and remain without judging. That means one should not fall a prey to the usual tendency of being a believer or a non-believer.
Human beings generally live ... Views: 1380
Our lives can be enriched by paying attention to the wider consciousness beyond the limited cocoon within which our habitual mind revolves. We get a glimpse of its greatness by looking into the descriptions of Oneness in that pervasive awareness.
Consciousness, the basis for our being ... Views: 1355
People are taken in by propaganda that abets their beliefs, especially in the realm of religion and politics. They are unaware that a conditioned mind interprets everything according to its conditioning. Their native intelligence remains stunted.
The human mind functions very much like a ... Views: 4701
It is usually assumed that our consciousness begins with birth and that matters get recorded from then on. In reality, consciousness exists even while the child is in the womb and a kind of ‘knowingness’ seems to operate then.
Studies have been conducted on pre-birth experience (PBE), the ... Views: 3091
Many quarrels arise on account of insisting on one’s opinion being accepted or on demanding the approval thereof. It cannot be solved by controlling oneself but only by understanding the whole gamut of its genesis and expression.
It is common experience that most of us, if not all, treat our ... Views: 1457
With a creative change in our outlook, we can appreciate the fact that life is indeed a friend. With that shift in our mental disposition, our life circumstances would change to the better and improve our confidence and love of life.
Life on this planet is hard. It is made harder by our own ... Views: 1268