Who said it is a craving?
I think one of the most common mistakes people make when they quit is associate everything they feel and do from the moment the finish their last cigarette as automatically something to do with withdrawals or cravings. If you think about it all the evidence suggests ... Views: 5448
I went through many stages of quitting before I finally nailed this last one. I can tell you the diffrence though.
In the past i had always blamed everything on quitting, from an aching back to a tooth ache, I soon realised this time though that not everything is to do with quitting. It does ... Views: 1156
Cortisol and DHEA - The thing that makes you smoke
Part of my research is going to be into the short term mental issues of smoking. For instance when we talk to kids about smoking we always tell them about the long term effects that may or may not take place forty or fifty years after starting ... Views: 6616
The reference to Santa Claus may seem bizarre. I was trying to think of another marketing campaign as successful as the Tobacco companies. By successful I mean being able to get into the very fabric of society in a way that seems normal and matter of fact. There were two that sprung ... Views: 1402
Imagine if you saw the following headline in the mornings paper. How would it make you feel ?
Virtually all adults not only in the U.S but all over the world accept that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the 20th July 1969 walked on the moon, everyone has ... Views: 1575
Fear as a friend not an enemy
What we are really saying when we have fears or doubts is not that we are scared of getting hurt. Not that we are unable to do it but the real reason is we feel
‘we cannot handle it’
Some fear is pure instinct and keeps us out of danger but the majority, the ... Views: 1903
The Nature of Addiction
When you started smoking you will have been lulled in to a false sense of security, thinking you can give up whenever you want until you actually try to stop and can’t.
Some people would have started smoking when they were young and most when they were teenagers. ... Views: 2071