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One of the most influential spiritual teachers of all time was Jesus of Nazareth. His teachings have inspired followers for the past two thousand years. His message of love and forgiveness has been shared on every continent and his words transcribed into numerous languages. And, each Sunday ... Views: 1083
40 Days to a Better Me: Day 11-Welcome Diversity
“Paw-Paw, you white.” These were the words of my two year old granddaughter spoken directly to me eye ball to eye ball. Well, she was seated her car seat and I was making eye contact with her via my rear view mirror. Anyway, the statement ... Views: 998
A hurricane was on a collision course with Iberia Parish Louisiana. That was not uncommon. Numerous hurricanes have pummeled this portion of the Gulf Coast in the past. People in the low lying areas of Cypremort Point, Louisa and Weeks Island and moved further inland to evade the surge and ... Views: 1084
Having a dream is essential. Getting around the right people is necessary. Getting rid of fear is key. But until you bust a move—you’re only stating a preference.
Over 1,800 years ago the Apostle James said that faith without works is dead (James 2:26 KJV). Those words have sparked ... Views: 1342
40 Days to a Better Me: Day 08—Get Inspiration
In an attempt to sell everything from dog food to cosmetics, we are inundated with a constant barrage of marketing. Advertising tells us that real luxury is driving this particular car. The magazine ads tell us that the fragrance they are ... Views: 1186
40 Days to a Better Me: Day 07—Get Around the Right People.
The old saying “birds of a feather flock together’ is true. There is nothing that will speak more about person than whom they associate with. Therefore, it is imperative that you build networks with people who will propel your life ... Views: 1327
40 Days to a Better Me: Day 06—you gotta have a dream!
The lyrics to an old song say “If you ain’t gotta dream, how ya gonna have a dream come true?’ The sad reality is, millions of people wander through life with no dreams, no hopes, no aspirations for anything better than what they currently ... Views: 1180
40 Days to a Better Me—Day 05—Have Fun
When I was a boy living in the strange and distant land of Indiana, my summers were filled with the traditional family ritual of camping. Each summer we would trek to Brown County State Park, throw up a couple tents and spend a week or two there. And, I ... Views: 1154
“Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High.” Psalm 50:14 The New Living Translation.
Expressing gratitude is one of the most effective ways of boosting self confidence and optimism. This is because when we express gratitude our ego (and ... Views: 1148
Religion in western culture has taught us that money is evil and wicked. Money is referred to as the root of all evil, filthy lucre, mammon, and many other names which associate it with Satan. But is it really?
I mean think about it: Religion has taught us that poverty is a godlike quality. ... Views: 1102
I was asked the question why do Christians observe Lent. I explained that people use this time to reflect upon the sacrifice of Christ as they preparation of Easter. Many will give something up for one reason or another as to make God happy or deal with their guilt. Personally, I think the ... Views: 2510
Forty Days to Change My Life—Day 01
It is lent. I am not taking about the stuff that gets caught in the screen of your clothes dryer. I am talking about Lent in the Christian tradition. That period of the liturgical year that leads up to Easter. Through various acts of devotion such as prayer ... Views: 1542
Oh Profanity! It seems to be everywhere. It is spray painted on city walls around the world in every language known to man. It is heard in the media, music and heard in public places. What my mother would literally wash out my mouth with soap for saying is being used with professional ... Views: 2191
Dude! What’s My Sign?
Talk about an identity crisis. Millions of people are now in the proverbial quagmire of finding themselves! With the recent news that the zodiac signs have shifted and what you once thought you were may not be applicable people are daunted and want answers!!! In fact the ... Views: 1071
The first thing you can work on to make the coming year a great one, is your belief system. Your belief system has the power to create and destroy your life. The way you view life and everything in it (people, events, information, circumstances) is all interpreted by your belief system. So, if ... Views: 1073
We are just days away from the new year. This is a very festive time of year just finishing up Christmas and Thanksgiving was just a few weeks prior to that. Though this is “happy time of year” I personally do not like the time between Thanksgiving and New years for two reasons: Dark and cold. ... Views: 1068
Have you heard the expression “his brain is in neutral”? I take that to mean that a person’s brain is running, but going nowhere. There are lots of revving, smoke, vibration, allusions to power, and great expenditures of fuel, but nobody is going anywhere.
It is a shame, but we all have met ... Views: 2132
“You don’t always get what you deserve in football” said the announcer as I watched Arsenal get pummeled by Barcelona in the semi-finals of the UEFA champion’s league. Be advised I am speaking from a purely one sided opinion as I am in fact an Arsenal fan. Watching Lionel Messi of Barcelona ... Views: 1902
Dig It UP
Where did the car you drive originate? Most would reply, that their car was built in Detroit, Japan or Germany. That in a sense is true. Workers in an auto assembly plant assembled the car piece by piece. But where did it originate before that? A prototype was developed and ... Views: 1388
Five Touches To a Better Me
New Year provides us with an opportunity to make a start fresh start and to set our lives in order. It is estimated that 48% of Americans will make some Sort of New Year resolution. Of those resolutions made, 92% will not be kept. In fact, 45% will fail before ... Views: 1222
Think …on purpose
Have you heard the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? The story is about a ruler who cares more about clothing than anything else. He hires two swindlers who promise to provide a bespoke suit of clothing like no other. They tell the Emperor they posses a very special cloth. ... Views: 1359