I was asked the question why do Christians observe Lent. I explained that people use this time to reflect upon the sacrifice of Christ as they preparation of Easter. Many will give something up for one reason or another as to make God happy or deal with their guilt. Personally, I think the time could be better spent improving oneself. If the world is going to be a better place it needs better people in it. Doesn’t that make sense? The better I become the more I can make a difference in the world.

The passion of the Christ was all about others. The Apostle John wrote that “God so loved... That He gave.” The passion of Christ was driven by love for others. Therefore, I feel that to stay true to that original motivation, we should use this time to focus on helping others. What can you do to touch someone’s life and make it better?

During Lent make it a point to commit random acts of kindness. You see the woman in the checking line who is a couple of dollars short—give her the money she needs. In the drive thru getting coffee, pay for the coffee of the person behind you. Donate some time to serve or deliver meals. Bring flowers or balloons to the nursing home near you. Make a cash donation to a charity that is reputable and dedicated to serving the community. Jesus said that we are the “light of the world.” Let the light of your good works shine before men. Don’t wait for the world to get better—help make it better!

This Lenten season commit random acts of kindness as often as you can. It will touch others and it will change you

Author's Bio: 

Dan Toops is an ordained pastoral care provider. For over twenty years he has touched the lives of hundreds of people in a positive and life changing manner. A accomplished speaker and writer Dan has launched Better Thinking Better Living a ministry which helps people in area of personal development. By providing life transforming principles Dan is working to impact the lives of people in a positive way.