What is happiness? Can Science tell us? Are there any examples of complete happiness in history? Is complete happiness just bliss without sorry at all?
We will explore these questions and more. We will see clearly how to obtain complete happiness, the only way.
Have you ever wondered ... Views: 1054
Believe it or not SPACE is not the FINAL Frontier.
The human brain is the most complex thing known to man.
Consider these facts:
After a few minutes of exercise, your heart is pumping, you breathe faster and start to sweat. Why?
Your brain is constantly ... Views: 1325
Friends, The study below done a few years ago should scare the socksoff us all. We can do much better in this country.
We all know that drugs has done much to save lives in this country,but I would bet that only ONE out of TEN knows the other side of thestory concerning AMA aproved drugs USE ... Views: 1645