Your eating habit is certainly a reason why you are fat. But, there are some specific food items that increase amount of fats in your body substantially and make you fat. Once you get fat it is very difficult to get back in the shape. You have to put lot of efforts along with the medication for ... Views: 808
Everyone today is getting bored with the monotonous routine of the sex. Usually only a missionary position is used to do sex and that also at the same place, that’s our bedroom, which is making sex a boring activity. This is leading to the uninteresting sex life that is finally affecting the ... Views: 11340
Vitamin D is found to be a latest treatment against erectile dysfunction (ED). Vitamin D is naturally available in the sunlight. Specifically the morning light of the sun is found to be rich in the Vitamin D. Men who expose themselves to the sunlight everyday are found to very superb performers ... Views: 6801
Getting old is the natural process of your body that converts the young person to middle age, middle age person to old, and then finally one day the person dies because of the abnormal functioning of the body because of the aging. This is common life cycle that is guarded by the aging. Aging is ... Views: 1580
Cycling is a very good sport for the health, this is what we have heard from our childhood, but according to the latest study Cycling can damage your sexuality permanently. Cycling can maintain your health and make you healthier, but by damaging your sexuality. Cycling is found to reduce the ... Views: 3708
Hair loss issue can be easily cured with drugs. No other treatment is found to be as efficient as oral drugs in the treatment of hair loss. The problem of hair loss mainly occurs due to the increased concentration of the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. Improper care of the hair is one of ... Views: 743